Well, it's a little difficult to answer that question, since many people have more than one favorite or special thing, for me it is, haha. Food in general I love, from fresh fruits to the juiciest meat...but of all the food groups what I consider my favorite thing is sweets, by this I mean ice cream, of diverse colors and flavors, so creamy and refreshing for those hot days, without a doubt it is my favorite thing.🍨
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Well. I can certainly vote for some ice cream! I love it too.
Ice cream is a good favourite thing...And no, one doesn't need to be limited to one favourite thing, that wasn't really my intention.
What is your favourite flavour? I like vanilla and also macadamia...And banana, and pistachio, and cookies and cream and rum and raisin, jaffa, honey...All of them really.
It's very complicated to decide for those things haha, I also like rum with raisins, butter, fchocolate, but the one I liked most was the one of oreo cookie, because since I was a child my dad used to take me to an ice cream shop near my old house, from there I always choose that flavor and I still like it. That's why I decided to choose ice cream as my favorite, because it brings back many memories of my childhood with my father and the many times he would stain my face and dirty my ice cream clothes haha. For me that's one of the most important things about this contest, that this favorite thing has a value or a sentimental memory.💕
All ice cream is good I guess, I think so anyway. :)
tokens.Oh who can ever really deny the awesometastical qualities of food?
When you are happy, sad, celebrating, tired, excited there are very few times that food does not enhance!!!
Damn now I am hungry! :D
Quote from the Colnel: There are few things in life that a bucket of chicken won't fix.
But consider this. Chicken and ICE CREAM. Case closed.
I love chicken in hot sauce and ice cream with cookies, so case closed haha
You're absolutely right my friend! And just thinking about it makes you want to eat, so that makes two of us haha. What's your favorite food? @stevenwood