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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week eleven: Win hive for your comment

in #weekend-engagement5 years ago (edited)

Ah yes, old thing...As someone who is obsessed with history I have to agree with you. I also wish I was born in the past...Well, I guess I was born in the past but I mean a past era, you know? Maybe the 20's, or better still medieval times.

Anyway, I had a record player similar to that one; The family had it. t a lot of use too as we always had music playing.

Music has been a huge part of my life and not just from the listening perspective, I started to learn to play the piano as a four and a half years old and played for years. Music has a way us speaking to us I think, don't you?

Thanks for joining in and dropping an entry. Keep that rebellious nature, focus it towards designing your ideal life in the face of any adversity and you will look back in time with no regret.



I love reading about history too, I'm passionate about WWI and WWII. Music has also been a part of my life, I have two guitars and a keyboard, at this old age I'm learning to play instruments, this is something I always wanted to do and with this time in quarantine it has helped me a lot, to relax and with this spare time I can learn even more than I'd be able to do if I had my normal work schedule.

Thank you for all of your support!

I love war history and spend a lot of time researching it, although I like all history. I find the past more interesting than the present.

You're welcome for the support, I always try and find people to help where I can, provided they help themselves...I'm not a huge fan of free-loaders. Reward for effort...No reward for none. 🙂

Keep up the good work, and stop by anytime.

Yes, yes, yes abso-bloody-lutely... It sounds cliche when people discuss the soundtrack of their life, but I have my own distinct soundtrack as do most people, music and emotions are so inexplicably intertwined, many memories would be bland and unremarkable without the song playing on the turntable in our mind when the past is conjured.

Music sort of punctuates the moment I think, and years later hearing the music again can bring it all flooding back, the feeling an emotion. Kind of nice I think.

I guess this maybe is the place. I really, really like the Rolling Stones. Who cared about the Beatles and their cute haircuts. I want leather and long hair and STRUT!

If I have a funeral (which is entirely out of my hands. I'll be dead and don't care) I have made my wishes clear. I want to have 'Sympathy for the Devil' played at my funeral.

So yeah, I like music.