Good day everyone, am very greatful for having the opportunity to write on this contest.
The happiest time of my life will be my main focus.
Some months and days passed, when I was done with my senior secondary level, I applied for JAMB immediately I was done with writing my WAEC.
God knows I never had any thing in mind as any course to study and the type of institution to apply for because I didn't have a foreknowledge of what to do and everything that concerns it.
Let's say I followed my friend, just to be at her level and never to be left behind.
Before writing the exams, I usually attended jamb classes to help me since it was going to be my first attempt. i was getting along with the activities there.
At some point I felt very reluctant to write the exams, because I met with people that were more brilliant and that made me feel intimidated and gave me and fears that I won't really make a good score out of the exams.
Coupled with the fact that, some persons that I knew who wrote the exam before me, had low scores and as well wasn't admitted into the institution of their choices and some are forced to change to another course and institution as well.
Knowing all this scares me a lot and makes me feel skeptic. I got to the point, where I made a decision that I would accept to face it myself.
I actually applied to study Guidance and counseling in the University of Uyo in Akwa Ibom state. I wrote the exams and I scored 205( a score I never expected to get).
Sadly, I was told to change to another course, that my score although It was good, won't get me admitted, at this point I became so interested in being admitted, after I had changed to another course, information got to me that the institution I applied for was never ready to admit candidates that had changed course.
I loosed hope of getting admission and I was advised to resit for the jamb exams. Since I had no other choice I gave up on it. all the stress and money I had spent on it, I decided to forget about it and let it go.
I had moved on and went with my family over to my father's house and luckily for me I rechecked my caps and I saw that I had been given the admission 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊🥰🥰🥰🥰.
I was damn happy, my joy knew no bounds.
My father had always wanted one of her child to study in the the University of Uyo, so you could imagine how happy he will be hearing the good news.
That day was so unique for me and thank God for the admission after I had loosed hope.
Finally I will go to school and become an Educationist some day.
That was the happiest time of my life.
Now to give of your best, to become who you are so excited to be going into a field you enjoy!
(4/10) gave you LUV.
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