Yeah i liked me some boobs. Cant deny that. I think what you're doing us s great idea. Im glad i initially came across your posts. Every interaction has been worthwhile.
I have found that i enjoy commenting and the engagement with other members more than me actually posting. Although i enjoy the posting bit. But conversation is more enjoyable
Ah glorious boobs, the best invention ever. Thanks evolution.
If I didn't get comments on my posts I would be totally deflated...I mean I get more disappointed with no comments than I do with a low reward. A long time ago I made the reward the enjoyment and interaction figuring the rewards would come of their own accord. They did here and there and over time I managed to build some great relationships, some of whom I converse with on Discord a little. Although, having said that, I prefer to keep most of my commenting on the chain, not off.
I've got discord but am a noob. Don't really know how to search or reach people on it. I too used to get annoyed if i didnt get a reward for my posts. And i did dome posts that took weeks of research. I was like all that effort to produce something I thought people would value and enjoy and crickets. Then i realized i dont care about the rewards. I cared more about the comments and interaction through them. I've been on hive since its beginning more or less and steem before it went to shit due to sun. But i still consider myself a noob here. And in the end i found the most enjoyment out of the social aspect. Which is what i think hive should focus on as its greatest strength.
I'm a Discord noob too, meaning I have little clue how it works. I don't go into chat rooms though, just keep it to a few people who can help when I need it or I have closer relationships with. My thing is galenkp#9209
With your posts...Yeah, same here. When I realised that it's best to just write for me, not others, it took the pressure off so now, if you look at my posts, there's all sorts of things there...Mainly life stuff although some other things also. I enjoy writing so will have a go at anything.
I'll look for you on discord and send you a hello. I go by hidave something arother. But youll know its me if the first part before the numbers say hidave.
I used to post just science and short fiction. But i found it more fun to just post about anything. As long as i felt like it was worth sharing. So its an eclectic mux these days. And i plan to branch out even further as ive found new topics and communities of interest here on hive via commenting. Also a nice side effect of prioritizing socializing. For instance. Although i dont have any particular urges to do urban exploration, i find the posts in the urbex community fascinating to read. They're like little adventures.
I do some fiction, mainly short 600-1000 word things these days - I used to do some long ones...3000+ and will again. I post about what I'm doing, how I feel, off-roading, prepping and security, camping, travel, guns and shooting, Lego (I have The Pew and LEGO community going). Business, work, motivation, humour, general thoughts, my relationship...So many things...I think diversity is the keep and it's why so many different types of people tend to follow me. I don't keep to just one path.
I'll have a look at the urbex community, I have not done so to date.
Urbex community is something i didnt expect to like. But i found it fascinating. Mainly the back stories to the abandoned places they explore. And the dearing-doo the guys get into trying to explore them.
I agree that diversity in post casts a wider net for friendship. But the diversity of the friends makes for a more enriching social life here on hive. One of my problems is that i gave more ideas in my head than i do time to write post wise.
Ah yes, the age-old problem of time...Never enough of it, I'm with you there.
I'll have a look at that community. I've probably seen some of the posts already but will take a good look. I might find something to curate for @curangel.