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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week eleven: Win hive for your comment

in #weekend-engagement5 years ago (edited)


Hi @ galenkp, my favorite thing is this little chest that my dad gave me as a child to keep my jewelry. It's the only thing I have of him, he died many years ago and I always miss him.
When I saw the movie WALL-E, I laughed a lot when he got a little box and when he opened it there was a diamond ring, he threw the ring away and kept the box. This chest is worth more to me than the jewels it holds.


This is a nice little keepsake for you I think and I completely understand. As I type this I am l looking at a few things on my desk here that have been with me most of my life and have become treasured items, not because of what they are, but because of what they represent.

It's nice to be able to reach out and touch an item someone special has given us, it's like having a gateway between us and them, at least a way to invoke memories and emotions.

This is a nice favourite item to share with us so thank you.


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Some things connect you with your loved ones, when you see them you remember them, the chest is very beautiful.