You really did say PB and marmalade, right???
Oh dear, I simply cannot get onboard with that one my friend... Ugghhh...Yuck...Cough... :D
You really did say PB and marmalade, right???
Oh dear, I simply cannot get onboard with that one my friend... Ugghhh...Yuck...Cough... :D
Yes PB and Marmalade, the greatest sandwich in the world bar none, it even out does the C.O.P. sandwich, (that is Cheese, Onion, and pickles).
There is nothing better tasting in the world, of course that is just my opinion, but we all know I am right. Perhaps you have just never made it correctly? You have to have a very nice thick layer of Peanut Butter. At what will be the lower left corner you need to build a peanut butter ledge to keep the marmalade in.
Now here is the very important part, lots and lots of marmalade, it has to be orange marmalade the lemon marmalade just does not mix well with the peanut butter.
Now to properly eat the sandwich and not make to much of a mess the peanut butter slice of bread needs to be on the bottom when holding to eat. This allows one to control the flow of the marmalade across the peanut butter. You also have to start at the top right hand side of the bread and eat the sandwich in a diagonal manner to the lower left corner and the peanut butter ridge you made.
This manner of consumption allows full control over the marmalade and assist in not loosing as much marmalade onto ones fingers whilst eating the sandwich.
Always remember peanut butter side down while enjoying you sandwich.