The yin and the yang (阴阳) that describe the two opposite and complementary fundamental forces, found in all things. The yin (which is the symbol of my necklace) is the feminine principle, the earth, the darkness, the passivity. The yang (which my best friend has) is the masculine principle, the sky, the light, the activity.
In front of the yin a "Momoy" or Spirit of Water is a leprechaun from Venezuelan folklore, a myth from the mountainous areas of Venezuela. So it represents my identity. I am VENEZUELAN and that is what first defines me, I am also a lover of the mountains, I love hiking and in December I visited the Venezuelan Andes for the first time with the desire to walk through those mountains: I fell in love and I always want to return there.
It's nice to have a little charm or some such item that centres you, brings balance and what better than Yin and Yang.
I like hiking too, and the mountains, which a way I use to find some balance...Being out and about in the wilderness revives my, my soul.
Thanks for sharing your talisman and that cute little momoy guy. I hope you'll come back and join in again.