This weekend was fairly low key for us as the kids are still sick.
We didn’t leave the house all weekend. Sometimes that can make me stir crazy, but we did mix it up by getting outside a little bit.
The weekend technically started on Friday night for me, as my office held its annual holiday party, which took place at a local restaurant cocktails and good food - I had a 20 oz prime rib (rare) dinner... it was fantastic! We then went to a local playhouse and my wife and I managed to stay awake through the whole show (have had some sleep issues with the kids while they have been sick).
On Saturday, we hung around and went outside in the morning and again after naps in the evening. My wife did some Christmas present wrapping while I entertained the kids outside. I did manage to sneak one pic in for my weekend recap:
My wife also made a yummy Pad Thai dinner that night, which was great 😃😃
On Sunday, the kids had a rough night of sleep (hard time breathing with runny noses and terrible coughs) so we took it even easier than Saturday. We watched more tv than usual and had some football on in the background while we played with many toys in the living room.
Overall, it was a good weekend and we are hoping the kids finally kick their sicknesses so we can get back to normal!
Hope all my friends on here also had a nice weekend!
So cute little princes)
Hello Friend how are you? your weekends always call my attention, Kendra looks very beautiful, I regret that they are sick for sure they will soon recover
Have a great weekend sir. Kendra is looking so cute and hope she will be totally cured very soon. Best of luck Kendra.
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