This is powerful thing about storytelling. The posibility of overlapping multiple seemingly unrelated stories, from different angles, from different views and experiences.
The possibility of taking readers into private spaces without their knowing what they'll discover there. And then, the haunting of those visits.
Really powerful story here. Psychologically gripping, very realistic, and thought provoking.
Psychiatric patients are usually at the bottom of the ladder when it comes to people's affection, care or solidarity. Their stories may forever be an anygma for the casual observer. The path that led them to lose their minds may be to harsh for anyone to grapple.
(Just FYI, "enigma" is the English spelling, but I like yours!)
"The path that led them to lose their minds may be too harsh for anyone to grapple." Last week I had to post the anniversary of this cold case, and I remembered my vow to ABANDON this unpaid job of keeping murder victims out there in the public awareness. The lurid details. Every day. The same litany of despair and disillusionment as the years tick by and still no arrests, the killers walking free. Off I go to watch a silly cat video!
Thanks for the observation. "any" is one of those clusters that stick and makes me write "y" where there should be "i", like annyversary :)
I'll read the story later. Thanks for sharing it. I usually have a strong stomach for unpleasant stories, but depending on how the day is going, some stories are better read in high spirits.
Oh, don't read that news summary about the 3-year-old girl tortured, blinded by Drano, and burned to death by her stepmother. Just sayin', you mention the dark side of human nature, and I confront it with this website on cold cases and posting anniversary dates just about every single day. DON'T GO THERE. Go, find a funny freewrite, a crazy cat video, but play ostrich and ignore the real life horror stories. I've got to get away from it myself. Keep your spirits up and you'll be able to help me keep mine up too. ;) Thank you for caring!
Thank you for the insights