Weekend project Philips she 8500 headphones repair :)
Hello guys here is short view of project i was working on the weekend.
For few day I was losing sound in my left earbud and it would come back in some position of wires in connector so I have decided to open them up.
It came up that wires were somehow managed to lose connection with pins so I soldered them back.
As they arent normal wires they have some kind of protection which is easily removed with heat (lighter or solder iron).
There are three weirs left, right and ground( two of them connected together ), eventually if your headphones have mic there will be another ground and mic wire.
After soldering and test you can put rubber cover back, I did one extra step which is only for visual benefits, changed silver covers with carbon fiber ones( maybe you have realized that Im cf maniac ) here are finished pictures.
They are working perfectly now, hopefully many hour of good music still in them :)
Rock on.
Glad you managed to repair those. I always have a hard time opening the casing of the headphones.
Yes its pretty hard not to damage wires or something while opening, but patience and you will be good. :)
Ja ih samo bacim kad ne rade, svaka cast na trudu i znanju
A to kad ti je dosadno a i dost dobre su mi slusalice :)
A dobro je tebi kad ides slagati slusalice od dosade :D ima ljudi koji se ubijaju od dosade hahah
Haha ma nemrem ja da nes neradim, poludio bi XD.
To je oldlicno samo naprijed ides tako