Hi Hive!
Phew! I've completed 30 weeks! Only 22 to go!

How are you doing? How was your week?
I don't know, but I get a feeling that I don't engage with you guys enough. Do you think I should?
I've been turning more introvert the more years I've been online.
Anyhow, let's see what happened last week. Yeah, Leo got sick, while Miro was already in school. Gladly neither of them had caught the dreaded Covid19 disease.
I went to the dentist.
We picked some mushrooms, and I started selling my work.
I hope I can make a fortune by selling NFT photos.
A Special Thank You!
I've been since the beginning of April, supported by a way bigger fish than me, and while I'm sad that I wasn't able to live up to your expectations for longer than this, I am forever grateful for those upvotes you gave me @themarkymark. I thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Here are the posts I made in #DailyAndFresh last week:

B&W Portrait of Ninnu 📷

Self portrait 📷

Cosmos 📷

Shooting with a 42 year old lens. 📷

We found some edible mushrooms today 📷

Prints and printing woes... 📷

Raindrops through the camera lens 📷
We elapsed a lot time through this year, only few weeks are remain to complete the year. We always supporting you and your entire works.
I am very thankful. 😊
Very impressive achievement! 30 weeks! Not easy considering that there were so many unexpected things happening and illness too!
Some very cute photo of Ninnu. I think you’ll be able to sell her photos too!
Good luck.
Catch up most of photography that I missed this week!@gamer00,
Nice video
What video?
Nice view