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RE: I need to lose some weight

in #weight3 years ago

I love how you included Christian Bale and his many different looks. He is personally my favorite Batman ever and I doubt Robert Pattinson is going to change that opinion. Please tell me that you have watched Equilibrium, it was right around his Reign of Fire period of 83 KG. Such a great film.

As for your health and fitness journey, I know you're capable of making huge strides forward and will surely be successful. If you need further motivation, I highly recommend getting an Apple Watch, or equivalent if you don't use an iPhone. Being able to keep track of fitness stats and see progress in detailed infographics keeps me going hard. It is even better when I can start competitions with people such as my girlfriend and brother and we all know who went the distance each day.

Shin splints suck so much. I had a short period of having to deal with them when I was about 12 or 13. I was running so much during soccer season that my legs were just dying. Luckily it eventually went away and I only suffered periodically for a short time. Turns out it was just my cleats and when I switched to a different pair the problem was solved.


It's a great movie, think the first one I watched with him was American Psycho and I still liked him later on considering the start I had xD Also ya I agree, I tweeted some time ago as I was rewatching his Batman movies that he was the best one though looking at the trailer with Pattinson I can't say it looks bad, might become a good one either way.

I need to think about the watch, having something around my hand gives me a weird sense of uncomfortability when I'm walking/running as I mentioned here somewhere else in the comments, but I like stats as much as the next guy so definitely phone and music with me to track that.

Bale has such a deep library of solid films.
I don't expect Pattinson to be a bad Batman, I just don't think of him when I picture a badass hero like Batman. Maybe he will surprise me though, I know he's a capable actor.

I honestly was so against having a watch for the longest time. Then I was gifted my brother's old one and I've been wearing it daily since then. I saw a girl at the gym today with her watch attached to her shoestrings. I don't think that would work with an Apple Watch since there are sensors that need to see your skin to calculate... but some other type of fitness band that only tracks by movement would work like that. It's going to be a lot less accurate without advanced sensors though.