5 Most Effective Weight Loss Tips for Women

in #weight7 years ago (edited)

If you need to lose weight, the first thing you should do is change the rhythm of your metabolism, and for this, here I will give you the best weight loss tips for women to help you lose those pounds that bother you, changing some routines.
For those people who may not understand the relation of metabolism with weight loss, they must first know that metabolism is the set of chemical processes performed by the cells of living beings to carry out all the functions of these. And the transformation of the food nutrients into different forms of energy is one of the basic functions of it. Maybe, understanding the science of weight loss will help you to take some actions.

To lose weight, we must accelerate our metabolism and when I say "slow" or "fast" metabolism, I refer to the speed with which our body performs all the functions previously explained, and this is important in regards to our tendency to gain or lose weight.

When our metabolism is faster, the body burns more calories, even when it is not doing any physical activity: the so-called basal metabolism, that is, the energy that our body consumes daily to function without any additional activity beyond the essential functions (those that remain active while we sleep).

Although having a more or less faster metabolism depends largely on the genetics of each one, and other issues that are difficult to change, such as gender or age (after 40 it slows down), it can be accelerated with certain habits that we can influence as for example, following the next weight loss tips for beginners.

Tips 1: Develop your muscles

More calories are needed to maintain muscle than fat, so if we have good muscle tone, our metabolism will be faster. Strength training to increase muscle mass is just as important to lose weight (or more) than typical aerobic training, such as running, cycling or swimming, and is especially important after a certain age. This losing weight exercise can be done at home with some bags that you can make starting with 1 kg of rice. One for each hand.


Remember that the basal metabolism decreases as the organism ages, mainly due to the progressive loss of muscle mass with age. As the amount of muscle decreases, the energy consumed is also reduced. That's why, experts recommend to do strength training at least two days a week, with at least one day of rest between them to let the muscles rest and avoid injuries. This is a good tip for those who wonder how to start weight loss at home.

Tips 2: Eat Often

If we spend a lot of time without eating anything between meals, our blood sugar level decreases, which makes us feel tired and, also, slows down our metabolism. Many experts support this theory saying that if we take small healthy snacks between meals - a handful of nuts or a piece of fruit, for example - we will avoid going hungry, we will consume fewer calories in the next meal and we will keep our metabolism accelerated.
Scientists have been warning for several years that meal times are a determining factor in weight loss strategies, but the same strategies do not work for everyone. There are people that work take five meals a day, but others would do well to reduce them, but what is true is that periods of fasting cause our metabolism to slow down.

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That is why only people who practice constant exercise should follow this advice, and should always opt for 'snacks' without sugar or refined carbohydrates, which are those that most affect insulin levels. So if you do exercise, include a morning banana diet to your breakfast to help maintain a good potassium level and avoid cramping.

3. Say YES to the spicy

According to a recent research conducted at the University of Wyoming School of Pharmacy, foods containing chili can help us burn fat without having to restrict the calories in our diet.
It was shown that chili contains an element not so well known by its name but by the sweats, it causes the capsaicin. Precisely the active component that gives the spicy to these foods is responsible for reducing body lipids by a mechanism that motivates the death of immature fat cells, so it could help you lose weight.

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When eating chili peppers or similar foods, metabolic activity is immediately increased by around 20% and this is maintained for a maximum of thirty minutes. During that time, the body burns fats. This is a simple meal plan to lose weight that you should consider.

4. Prioritize protein intake

There are extreme diets that actually work and most of them, include protein.
As in everything related to diet, excesses are not recommended, but contrary to what happens when we eat carbohydrates that are quickly stored in the form of fat, excess protein serves to build muscle, which in turn accelerates our metabolism. So start including proteins in your diet has enough fish, legumes, eggs, cheese, and nuts.

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5. Drink Coffee

There are studies that clarify that coffee is not only a powerful stimulant, it also has a vasodilatory effect and seems to prevent the onset of diseases such as diabetes or some types of cancer.
With regard to metabolism, coffee is one of the few natural substances that accelerate this, thus helping to burn fat. The drink is also a great ally if we exercise since caffeine increases adrenaline levels.

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This hormone prepares our body for exceptional physical effort: it causes the fat cells to break down body fat, releasing it as free fatty acids, which we use as fuel when we exercise.
Drink 3 cups of coffee per day, is very healthy and is part of our extreme weight loss tips to consider.