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RE: I need to lose some weight

in #weight3 years ago

That's a good start! I managed to average about 10k steps all of last year. That's despite having weeks with covid isolation etc, so had to make up with several days of 50k+ when hiking :P.

I can do a write up of all you, or anyone else looking to lose weight effectively and with good regards to health, needs to know. Call it 15 years of exp in one post ^^.


  1. Insist on getting 20-30 min of walking early in the day, before eating, and as soon as there's daylight available. It has amazing benefits also for sleep quality and mood as I explained in a post today.
  2. Get at least 2 rounds of strength training in per week for each muscle group. It literally only requires 3 exercises: One squatting movement, one pushing movement, and one pulling movement. When you're gaining muscle, your body has to get the energy from somewhere, so even if a 30 min strength session may burn fewer calories than 30 minutes of running, it still burns more throughout the 24-48 hour window where it has an effect in total.
  3. Try to make sure you always stop eating 2 hours before going to bed. This is primarily a recommendation to improve sleep quality, but doing so in combination with 1. also helps make sure you enter at least a mild form of intermittent fasting.

Ofc food is also important, but if you manage to do 1-3, then as long as it's healthy food, varied so that you get sufficient nutrients and in decent proportion, the exact source of the nutrients hardly matter.

Gl tho!


Nice, thanks, will try to abide by this. :D

Update post coming up soon!