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RE: I need to lose some weight

in #weight3 years ago

I very much enjoyed reading your story leading you to lifestyle changes.

Walking is awesome, and somehow I go harder having all the tracking data letting me know how much I’m burning, distance elapsed, speed etc. With it being winter, I’ve been using the gym just up the hill from my house and have recently transitioned from walking to jogging on the treadmill (10 minute miles). I gotta say it feels awesome when I’m done running 3 of them.

As someone who has lost a lot of weight and kept most of it off for a long period of time, I really appreciate such a candid, honest portrayal of where you’re at and why you’re doing what you’re doing. It’s super relatable:)

Hope you crush it btw!

Oh, and what genre of audiobook? I just read Day Zero by C. Robert Cargill and it was excellent. Fast-paced dystopian Sci-fi from the perspective of an AI nannybot that read like a movie screenplay.


sci-fi is my love so will definitely have to check that out soon! Currently reading Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir.

Ooh, that one is on my to read list! I've heard nothing but good things about that tale, hope you're enjoying it!

Last summer I read The Last Watch by J.S. Dewes, and really enjoyed it!

And I'll shut up now, the librarian,/voracious book devourer in me will go on for days about such things lol...

You may want to know this community exists in case you don't (scrolled through some of your posts but didn't see any in it)

Oh! I follow that community and have lurked there a bit, but I've never posted there. Thanks for the reminder, I should probably get off of my flintlocks and post about some of the many books I read lol!

Hope you have a splendid audiobook infused walk today:)