Weight Loss Journey (Part 1) (The Beginning)

in #weight7 years ago (edited)

Hi Fellow Steemians.

Today I'm going to share my thoughts about weight loss. to be specific, my personal weight loss.
Through the years, I have this struggle on loosing weight. I usually have this trend to try a new weight loss regimen then loose a small amount of weight and gain it back again. The thing is, the moment I gain those pounds I've lost, I gained more than double of it. I know, I'm not the only one suffering from this dilemma.

A lot of people are nowadays are experiencing this difficulty of losing weight.

One of the reasons why people now are having a hard time loosing weight is that Eating healthy can be very expensive. Well, eating whole meals can pretty much eat up your budget. Especially those who have low budget, they go from healthy foods to directly junk foods. Which in turn, having a poor quality diet leads to weight gain.

Another reasons why its so hard to loose weight, still connected to diet is that people look for "instant". same goes with food, more people go for "instant" food. Time can be very essential now a days and in terms to preparing healthy meals, it can really take a to of time to do so. So instead of going for a healthier option, a lot of people go for a quicker option. It may be inaccessible or it takes so much time to prepare. Sadly, most of our instant foods are unhealthy which greatly contribute to weight gain. Unlike other countries, instant healthy foods are widely distributed in the public and it cheaper too.

Another is that since we live in a fast paced world and many people like everything instant, more people have less time to move.Unlike in the prehistoric time, people look for food through hunting and preparing their food as well. This may need more effort and in this case requires a lot of movement. In today's world, minimal movement may be required to eat which also contribute to weight gain. The thing is, amount of food you take in should also compliment the amount of energy you exert.

After that long introduction on weight gain,
This time, I'm gonna try again and I'm going to take you along this weight loss journey of mine.

First of, I'm gonna present to you the weight loss trends I'm going to try. (all of my inputs are based plainly on reasearch which I'm going to try myself. So far I weigh 75 Kg having only a height of 5 ft. Judging the scales, I'm really over weight for a 27 year old. So I decided to try these ways to loose weight.

The first thing I'm going to try is Ketogenic fiet or "Keto" diet. This weight loss regimen is gaining popularity today. This diet focuses on taking protein which contribute greatly to muscle mass. The principle is that the higher the protein, the greater the muscles. and The greater the muscles, the greater the weight loss. Well, Muscles eat fat as they say that's why we should gain more muscles if we want to loose weight. So I already cut out rice from my diet. and sweets. So let's see how it will go in the long run. If I have shortage of time, I take herbalife shakes to have a complete nutrition with less calories and very low glycemic index or "GI". (If you want to know more about herbalife, ask me how)

Second is the I will try intermittent fasting. As Christian, fasting is really not a new thing for me. But his time, I'm going to try intermittent fasting. This "IF" as they call it, is really not a diet but an eating pattern in which you have an ample time of feasting period and also a time for fasting period. This time I'm going to try the 8/16 fasting which is the most popular IF. It is 8 Hours feasting period where I eat, then 1 hours of fasting period.

Third is to have a high intensity work out. recently I enrolled in a a gym membership. It only cost me 8-10 dollars (400 pesos to be exact) so I enrolled and it really was so intense. Th my whole body is aching right now. It's my first time really to hit the gym. My past experiences was doing cardio following exercise videos. and we have a treadmill. So I don't get that much motivation to keep moving. It's good to be involved in a community where in you have the same goal and that it to have a healthier lifestyle.

So, That's it for my weight loss journey so far. I will give an update from time to time especially on the changes I've experienced. So keep posted.

Thank you for reading. Hopefully this helped a lot of readers. God bless. :)


A beautiful write up here @precioustopaz. Good job. When next you're making a post like this, use HEALTH as your first tag.

Keep steeming