Why the French do not gain weight?

in #weight7 years ago (edited)

The French are known for their gastronomy - I love to eat. But why many of them are weak, unlike the Americans and the Germans where obesity is becoming a national problem? The answer given study. And he's more or less surprising: regular meal with the family reduces the risk of gaining weight, according to the Center for the Study of lifestyle CREDOC.

90% of your calorie French women and men take during main meals and only 10 per cent between them. In the US, over 20% of the calories are taken out of breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Overweight people in France are only 15 per cent, while in the United States - 27 percent. In France, eating is part of social life, enjoy it and appreciate quality for Americans, however, it is rather technical performance, says the institute. They added that the French do not trample to satiate hunger suddenly befall them - just that they are not happening. Thus retain its shape.

Source: Bright Side


Yeah, all the French I know are thin.