
Hi @fitinfun are you going to share your secrets with everyone here? It will be great to see a daily eating plan and perhaps some examples of exercises that you did daily? I would love to follow that. I need some motivation too, so some motivational posts would be great.

Thank you for asking. I have done some of that here and did not get any traction on it. But I gladly will try again. It's late in Bangkok now, but I will post something tomorrow about it.

The most important things I did about food were to remove the toxins. I find it is not so much what you eat, but the quality of your food. If you are in the US, the food supply is a minefield. My plan I coach, takes what you eat now and improves it over time. Less toxins in and and more nutrition in. A 10% change in both of those creates amazing change in a short time. Soon, the good takes over the bad completely.

As to exercise, do anything for 10 minutes a day for a week. Then 15 minutes, then 20 etc. The key is every day - not three times a week. You don't need to join a gym. I have arthritis, so I do things like swim and work out in bed.

We tend to think the small changes do not count. But I, and the people I have helped, tell a different story.

I really appreciate your comment and will get to it now. As I said, my material is very dense and I will try hard to give small pieces of it.

can i knw in figures how much you loose your weight ??@fitinfun great improvement !!! i will show this article to my neighbour she is fat too!!

Your post have good content .people looking for this type of content coz now days weight loss become a big problem in our fast life . so keep posting ,keep supporting @fitinfun

Thank you. I will try my best.

Thanks for your reply ...please look back to my post also if like you then please upvote and follow me .

I might be wrong but Herbalife is one of the most effective Brand which helps people to come out from their obesity problem.
I promoted Herbalife in past and seen the results of Herbalife.
@fitinfun, I'm sure about that you comes out from your obesity by #Herbalihe product, because as of now most of people are using such pics to promote #herbalife. @devkapoor423

I did not use herbalife. I just started eating healthy food.

So how many Months took to reduce your fat?

It took me 3 years to lose the first 40 pounds because I did not know what I was doing. The last 95 pounds came off in 10 months once I had a coach to set me straight. My weight has never been a problem since then and it has been almost 8 years now.

Wow you worked a lot for the fitness