[Official] Weiss Crypto Rankings by Market Cap.

in #weiss7 years ago (edited)

Taken from the data in this sheet: https://wcy.weissratings.com/media/wri/PDF/WCY/Weiss-Cryptocurrency-Ratings.pdf

Also see the table at the bottom for the coins with the smallest market cap for each rating.

RatingTickerNameMarket Cap
C+BTCbitcoin$187,193 Mn
BETHEthereum$98,953 Mn
CXRPRipple$51,681 Mn
C-BCHbitcoin-cash$27,230 Mn
B-ADAcardano$15,830 Mn
C+LTCLitecoin$9,757 Mn
CXLMStellar$9,599 Mn
C-NEONeo$8,644 Mn
C+NEMnem$8,372 Mn
BEOSEos$8,193 Mn
C+DASHDash$5,932 Mn
CXMRMonero$4,878 Mn
D+BTGBitcoin-Gold$3,150 Mn
CQTUMQtum$2,910 Mn
CETCEthereum-classic$2,879 Mn
CLISKLisk$2,574 Mn
CXRBRaiblocks$1,731 Mn
CZECZcash$1,386 Mn
CXVGVerge$1,346 Mn
B-STEEMSteem$1,343 Mn
CBCNbytecoin-bcn$1,186 Mn
C+BTsbitshares$976,145 k
CWAVESWaves$855,891 k
CDOGEDogeCoin$782,860 k
C-ETNElectroneum$725,485 k
CKMDKomodo$679,755 k
c+arkark$628,379 k
C+DCRDecred$606,354 k
CPIVXPivx$577,293 k
C-DGBDigiByte$560,329 k
C+GBYTEbyteball$502,012 k
CSMARTSmartCash$442,246 k
CNXTNXT$337,744 k
CSYSSyscoin$327,027 k
C-RDDReddCoin$316,412 k
CNXSNexus$303,646 k
CXZCZCoin$284,945 k
CNEBLNeblio$276,705 k
D+GAMEGameCredits$233,425 k
C-SKYSkycoin$213,701 k
C-UBQUbiq$186,025 k
CVTCVertcoin$185,235 k
CBLOCKBlocknet$174,957 k
CNAVNav-Coin$174,606 k
CXCPCounterparty$153,984 k
D+EMC2Einsteinium$132,329 k
CPPCPeercoin$122,532 k
C-ZENZencash$114,528 k
CXASAsch$110,307 k
D+NLGGulden$103,930 k
D+ETPMetaverse$94,576 k
C-VIAViaCoin$92,722 k
CBURSTBurst$84,608 k
DRISERise$84,600 k
C-CLOAKcloakcoin$79,802 k
C+IOCiocoin$76,045 k
Caeonaeon$70,646 k
CSHIFTShift$68,614 k
DSLSSalus$66,419 k
D+PURAPura$59,114 k
C-NMCNamecoin$59,037 k
C-FTCFeathercoin$54,899 k
DPOTPotCoin$48,243 k
C-XWCWhiteCoin$44,357 k
D+GUPguppy$43,177 k
CBLKblackcoin$39,450 k
D+EXPExpanse$37,610 k
D+AURAuroracoin$11,360 k
D+NVCNovaCoin$10,886 k
DQRKQuark$6,094 k
D+MECMegacoin$3,260 k

MoonTable: Smallest Market Cap for each Rating:

RatingTickerNameMarket Cap
B-STEEMSteem$1,343 Mn
C+IOCiocoin$76,045 k
CBLKblackcoin$39,450 k
C-XWCWhiteCoin$44,357 k
D+MECMegacoin$3,260 k
DQRKQuark$6,094 k

Hey @matbest,

Check out the post I just made on the increase of price of Steem after Weiss' ratings release and don't forget to follow :)
