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RE: Welcome Giveaway - write your first post and win a whale-vote! Week #4

in #welcome8 years ago (edited)

I'm very new at this, so please bear with me, I think I have this right. :-)

Here's my introduction to the community which is my story of hope–how God transformed my life with His love and forgiveness:

Here's the 1st post I wrote which is an allegory about Jesus coming to a man's house who was in desperate need for a house-cleaning of his soul:

This topic matters to me because like all of humanity, I need the forgiveness and love of Christ. What a wonderful, eternal, and life giving gift.

Here's my 2nd post:

This is important to me because it takes transformation to live an authentic and fulfilled life. Honesty, humility and passion are key characteristics in life.

These are better post in my opinion, I would like to submit them to the community, instead of or in addition to the others, and get your feed back on them:

If you want to hear the truth and be spiritually encouraged, watch this video:

I have several other posts straight from the heart if you care to read or watch at: @actsinmotion

God bless you,

Jeffrey Parrott
Acts In Motion