Hello all my name is Craig and I am currently 34 years young.
I am originally from northern Wisconsin but I currently reside in Minneapolis,MN. I know, I didn't go far! Minneapolis was just such an awesome place I haven't had the heart to leave yet. Plus it affords me the luxury to follow some of my main hobbies which are hunting, fishing (both open water and ice) and Magic the Gathering, which happens to have a huge following here and one hell of a tournament scene. Other things I am interested in are blacksmithing and inkmaking (I feel like I was born in the wrong time sometimes). My fascination with emerging cryptocurrencies is what led me here and I am glad that it did!
I have been married for 4 years now but my wife and I have been together for 15! Yes, it took me that long to propose. Not sure why but it happened eventually and here we are! No children, perhaps one day. However we do have a cat that we both love even though sometimes he doesn't seem to like us very much.
Together we really enjoy traveling and I'm sure in the futures you will see many photos from our travels pop up on here!
I look forward to getting to know people in this community and posting about things that interest me! Cheers!
@cseemuth, welcome to steemit.
I am impressed with your clash of old and new hobbies. Glad that you are the newest member of the community.
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
Thanks! I appreciate it and look forward to participating in the community!
nice stuff all around my dude. Bow or rifle hunting? We could only bow or muzzle-load in my home state lol. Ah Magic, I haven't played in years but I was in love with it for so long. Perhaps I will pick it back up. Ever done any ink for fountain pens? I know iron gall inks don't play well with them, but I have always wanted to design my own ink.
Anyhow Ill throw you a follow. I post history, food, and gun stuff so feel free to follow back if you would like. If possible I would also be interested in buying some ink off ya.
Rifle hunting. I have a bow but haven't used it in years! Yeah I picked up Magic in 1994 shortly after it came out. Took a break for a while but then jumped right back in at the deep end! Haha. Not really, what I'm making right now is just for inkpots and quills basically. I would like to get there eventually. I'll hit ya up sometime in the spring to see what I can make and what I could put together for ya!
awesome man! I can send you a demo pen if you need one to test out the ink

Welcome aboard the Steem train XD
Hope you enjoy yourself on this crazy platform XD
You threaded carefully .... that's why it took that long....Nice story
Welcome to Steemit. I hope it is good for you. Invite some friends and build the community
Welcome to Steemit. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Welcome to steemit. I hope you like it here and keep posting. :)