Tips to become more present every day

in #wellbeing7 years ago (edited)

Tips to become more present every day...

I always found it hard to give my full attention to anything I did... whether it was work, playing a game or even just having a conversation over coffee. Some people called me rude, others said I was hyperactive, me I think it was because I had not yet learnt the skill to becoming present in the moment with what I was doing.

I must admit it was very hard at first. Changing the way I have done things all my life and fully engaging in one thing at a time. However it has improved my life so much! I am now more alert at work; feel more connected than ever to my girlfriend and a lot calmer in general. Below are 3 tips to being more present during the day, I will be writing an additional Blog post expanding on what I write below.


  1. Put your phone away..

Strategically plan where you will put your phone at each part of the day.. At work put your phone in a draw with Wi-Fi off. You can still access it and hear your phone if it was to go off, but as it is out of your line of sight you will not be as eager to pick it up and check Facebook... At home, I put my phone on charge in a different part of the house I am in; if I am cooking my phone goes into my bedroom. If I am chilling in my bedroom, my phone goes on charge downstairs.

2.Take out your headphones..

Take out your headphones, when heading for a walk or other activities where you can zone out to music. Listen to the wind, nature and your breath. A natural feeling of peace will fill your body and mind with each step. A peaceful mind is a happy mind. Unplug from your play-list or the radio and enjoy the noise of the world.

3.Make being mindful a habit..

Take time each day to take part in a mindful activity, examples are: Seated breathing meditation, walking meditation or listening to a guided meditation. By making being mindful a daily habit it will enable you to unplug from distracting activities much easier. This will open up the world in a whole new light, bringing you peace of mind and freedom from what feels at times such a rushed world.

By adopting the above tips you should begin to become more present in the day, conversations will become more interesting. You will notice the world in a different way, and whilst being engaged in your life more, anxious and depressing thoughts can begin to melt away with your new found freedom.

What do you do each day to find peace and calm? I look forward to hearing and discussing with you all :)