Stress - Walk It Off

in #wellness7 years ago


One of the best and easiest ways to relieve tension and stress is to walk it off. Not only does walking relieve stress, it also fuels imagination, improves your mood, helps you to get or remain fit and releases all kinds of feel good chemicals into your blood stream. In fact, walking can be just as beneficial as running according to Harvard Health.

Walking doesn't have to be used solely as a stress reliever, it can be used for grounding in the warmer months, (for those not afraid to walk barefoot). It can be used as a form of exercise for those who are willing to walk hills, very quickly or long distances. Walking can also be used as meditation if you set the intention to use it as such.

This plan uses a few different walking meditation techniques combined, used together the end result is a really amazing walking meditation that has the potential to help you self actualize and find the answers to your life's toughest questions.

  • Plan your path and the time you will spend walking. This can be around the block, through some woods, down the long driveway in front of your home, along the beach for a mile or anywhere. Set a timer on your phone, or take all the time you need, just have a plan.
  • Make sure you are dressed appropriately for the weather and have on comfy shoes, if needed.
  • Before your walk, set an intention. What I mean by this is, maybe there is a question you are seeking the answer to about your life. Put it out there (out loud). Speak directly to the universe, God, your guides, your angels, source, what ever you feel comfortable with calling your highest power. Ask the question that plagues you, and set an intention to allow the answer to come to you.
  • Take 3 very long deep breaths, in and out, following the air flow down into your body as low as you can push it and back out.
  • Begin to walk. As you walk, take note of everything and everyone you pass. While "noticing", say to yourself, "I am that X". For instance, if you see a bird, say to yourself, "I am that bird". If you see a tree, say to yourself, "I am that tree".
  • When your timer goes off or you have arrived at your destination, restate your intention or re-ask your question then humbly thank the spiritual body that you called upon in the beginning of your walk for the time it/they just spent listening to you.

When you put this exercise into practice, not only will you reap the physical and mental benefits of walking but you will also benefit spiritually and find that the answers you seek, are much more and readily available to you when you need or want them. Trust me, your mind, body and soul with thank you.

Now get on out there and walk it off and enjoy the smile that it brings to your face and to your soul.



Could it be that exercising is the cure for a culture that doesn't exercise enough to sustain the literally billion years of evolution that created the... human body?! WHO KNOWS?!

It may be. I just want people to understand that exercise and health doesn't have to be impossible or even hard. Pills can't and don't cure everything. Thank you so much for reading!

Grapes are helpful in reducing stress

Grapes, really? I would love to learn more about this!

antioxidant-rich grapes and grape is a nutritious way to reduce anxiety and related hypertension, recent scientific study

I will be looking that up! This is great news! Thank you for sharing :)