Beautiful plants, liked the fact that he can give any form
and decorate the garden with interesting compasses. Westing is a genus of evergreen shrubs that unite the family of labial flowers. In the genus there are about 25 varieties of erect evergreen and ornamental shrubs with a round crown. The leaves of the plant are densely, narrowed oval-linear, visually similar to the leaves of rosemary. The leaves are odorless and have a gray-green color. Growing whorls. The flowers are white, tubular, bilabiate. The upper lip is much longer than the lower one, the lower lip is divided into three broad lobes. Flowers are located at the ends of the stems in the axils of the upper leaves, flowers are single. The plant grows naturally into well-branched shrubs reaching a height of more than 1.5 meters.
The plant is distributed mainly in warm regions of Australia, where it grows along sandy beaches.
Westringia plant is decorative and often grown as a garden or indoor. Among the characteristics of care, the preference for growth is highlighted in a bright place, because the plant is light-loving and easily tolerated by heat.