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RE: Westringia, the tough little Aussie.

in #westringia6 years ago

As a large permanent feature in a garden or public grounds where space is available, the Coastal or Native Rosemary (Westringia fruticosa) is an excellent choice. It is an easily grown shrub of simple and neat appearance which grows wild near the coast of New South Wales. Stretches of it are seen hugging the cliffs and down to beach level, either prostrate or several feet high depending on the situation.

White flowers dot the shapely plants. Growth is naturally stiff and bushy but responds to garden treatment by growing much taller. lt reaches at least 2 m high and 5 m across, often forming a regular dome with its lower branches covering the ground. lt is useful as a large type of ground-cover plant. Sometimes it throws out one or two main branches to develop an irregular habit, but generally, the plant is shapely.

After reaching a mature size it does not deteriorate quickly with age as some species do but maintains a good condition for years. During the coldest weather, it keeps a fresh appearance and is also drought hardy, though adequate water should be given to avoid the tendency to yellowing leaves and bare wood.
