So the next couple of posts will be about us. How we met, a little about our lives and how we got to where we are now. I'm a stay at home mom of two twin boys. We have 4 dogs a cat and chickens..... and we live in a travel trailer! My husband is currently the money maker, although I try to make some money on the side as much as I can as well. Because our lives can sometimes get super busy with just the day to day, I don't know how often I'll post. It might be daily? Maybe every other day? Maybe once a week! Lol
Okay so my husband and I met at work. We both didn't like that they were moving our departments right next to each other.. but had they not done that we would have never met. Our first "date" was towing his friends car back to the house then drinks at my place. This was 2017, we've been inseparable since! Only spending nights apart when we had to, while moving for work, while our babies were in the NICU and my husband had to work, that kind of stuff. But even when we're apart we still talk, calling/texting every free second. Not because we have to but because we have literally become each others best friend, soul mates.....
Okay enough cheese time to move on.
Our first two years were rough, lots of growing and tough decisions. I had to give up my dog Drogo (hardest decision I've had to make so far) and was looking at having to give up my cat Lili(that was NOT happening) Things got better and we were able to keep the cat and adopt our dog Nya together! We moved around a couple of times, tried to help a friend out financially, financed used cars, had gallbladder surgery without insurance, and many other dumb (but we thought smart at the time) decisions that lead to one big decision we never wanted to make. But that's for part deux! Thanks for reading!
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