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RE: We-Write #4: The Storm

in #wewrite6 years ago

Wonderful writing exercise. The story always kept the suspense with great elegance. There is something that seems very special to me and consists of the relationship of the Countess' emotions and the weather conditions; Everything is perfectly conceived, even the end. But, I think the end, although it can be predicted, is extremely poetic. I congratulate you, @mgaft1


Thank you for such a deep reading! Indeed, I intended to mesh the weather storm with the Countess' emotional turmoils. Took me some efforts to write it. I had to sit through the entire "Pride and Prejudice" and take some notes on the old British language pattern. Thanks again!

Your writing efforts will be rewarded. Have a lot of talent and something very important: respect for writers and their works quality

Thank you! Let the Gods of the Internet hear your words! )))