Bully tactics?
- You come on Steem and downvote nearly every comment I made on a post for no apparent reason.
- Then you try to publicly slander me for asking you to quit being a downvoting troll.
- You're also going around downvoting harmless comments from others.
What exactly is it you're trying to accomplish here?
I have 100k twitter folowers
Well tuck.... when http://akasha.world/ launches I'll make sure to send a link to my twitter folowers back to this post... I'll encourage them to go check it out if there isn't bully's like you roaming around..... your immature and not that bright to be so sure of yourself
I'm gonna look back now and see what was downvote......
Yes you can. Just keep in mind that others can downvote anything they think is asinine, like most everything you've done so far on Steemit.
It works both ways...
You're just having a hard time grasping the fact that you aren't the only person here that has the ability to downvote.
Imagine that! Other people can downvote you. What a novel idea. Others, with the ability to do as they please too! Wow, what a great platform Steemit is!
Since you want to go around and establish that you can downvote whatever you want, I'm failing to see how you cannot fathom that other people also have that ability. How dare they downvote you back!
Be sure to tell your 100k Twitter followers that if they come to Steemit acting like ass clowns (or you in this case) downvoting people left and right simply because they don't like what someone said or don't agree with a comment that they will likely be downvoted right back and will not do well here.
Be sure they are aware that others also have the right to downvote and not just them, which you are having a hard time grasping. You still think you get to go around downvoting anything you don't like or agree with but if someone does it back to you they're a "bully" and need to be publicly shamed.
I hope you can learn from your mistakes and become a worthwhile Steemian one day!
You're off to a stellar start here @poias. I can see how you've managed to build that 100k Twitter following. (where's my eyeroll emoji when I need one?)
I think you'll do well on Akasha! Cya' round! Bye sockpuppet troll!
*you'reDo you not understand what you did was wrong? yes or no
And yes i will look into the other new social media sites launching..... calling me names .. mocking me...how old are you tuck? low brow stuff..it's embarrassing to the people who hooked you up with your steem power
down voting because this user is contributing nothing worthwhile to steemit. they only troll people and call others names and make threats to hurt steemit. please help stop troll accounts like this one by down voting them when you see them abusing others.
you worse then a bully..your a nerd who has been bullied now you have some "whale " power....my friend there is only 40k users on this platform..... more people follow me on twitter.... your only making it worse for yourself and your whale buddies by mocking me.... Just write sorry underneath .. I can downvote anything I think is fluff...
oh I remember you now...you were upvoting thing to play the big shot ...you where actually upvoting your own comments an laughing about how you where making making money
Quote from TUCK "
1[-]tuck-fheman (8) · 6 days ago
I think I'll give myself another $3+ for investing early in an awesome platform!
I think you need to explain yourself a little about this?
Man you are the high and mighty one today. lulz
Here's how it works. There are these buttons and people use them. When people use them properly people get money. When downvote trolls (aka you) use them improperly people lose money and reputation (like you're currently losing).
A tactic used to protect oneself from downvote trolls (aka you) is for a person to upvote their own comments so that when a downvote troll (aka you) come along and start downvoting their comments for no reason other than ... oh say something asinine like "I think it's fluff!", then our comments are not hidden by the downvoting troll (aka you).
In the instance you are referencing there was a guy who didn't understand this same concept and popped off with a smart ass comment, much like you're doing now. So I upvoted everyone else that commented (but not them) and gave them all money (something you're unlikely to receive here judging by your current malcontent).
whatever be spit-full down vote whatever i write......mock me about the content I took the time to contribute..... your just a bully...it shows.. if you can't figure out why I down voted you laughing about gaming the platform...I'm just gonna send this info off to a friend who'sa journalist.... 100k twiters...now you just sound jealous about it..... yes or no...were you right or wrong for making those comments that I down voted?
Yeah, you still don't get it do you. You keep forgetting the part about how you were the one that's going around downvoting other people on Steemit. But of course, you're no bully when you do it, just when people downvote you, because they don't have the same right as you, because you're special!
And now you're upset because ... wait for it ... I upvoted myself and others! Priceless!!! Cya troll! Enjoy Akasha and Twitter!
I down voted someone who was being hateful toward gay people.... you are now just making stuff up.... about me being some dwon vote maniac.... post other instances where I down voted something that should not of been down voted.... prove me wrong,...here's your chance to show the community I'm a...what did you call me "assclown" and "sockepuppet" ...here's your big chance to show everyone I'm some evil troll out to wreck your rep.....post up these down votes I did...show evidence...