
It's definitely spam... please flag.
The wording is terrible and the link takes you away from Steemit which doesn't make sense given their message.

Yaap.. i thinks so 👌 he threatened me as if I should click on the link.. thanks aussieninja

Detected a Phishing Account - Do Not Engage!

Warning Phishing Link!

  • Do Not Click on Bad Links
    They Steal Account.

  • 그들은 계정을 훔치는 나쁜 링크를 클릭하지 마십시오. !

  • Jangan klick Tuatan Buruk , mereka curi akun kamu

  • 提防黑客,他们偷账!

If you have provide your password to the link , make sure you change your password immediately!

I have seen the account who sent me the link, and there is no content there, and proved that it is a spam account to steal our steemit account.Yaap .. thanks @bullionstackers ..