Apps in Steemit a Quick Reviews [ Eng / Bahasa ]

My Dear Fans / Followers & Readers

This is what I found out. When an Apps , Host Accounts do not curate / paying your post. They are still taking your Rewards by marginal percentage. Please be sure to check it yourself.

You will find it at your steemd , a message in the box like this

benefactor - to XXX
reward 189.043108 VESTS

What does this mean?
They are Ripping off yours Rewards.

Also, They are using your Keys and Upvotes their Own Posts.
Please checked it yourself.

Penggemar / Pengikut & Pembaca yang Terhormat

Disini yang saya temukan. Ketika Aplikasi, Akun Tuan Rumah tidak mengatur / membayar postingan Anda. Mereka masih mengambil Rewards Anda dengan persentase marjinal. Harap pastikan untuk memeriksanya sendiri.

Anda akan menemukannya di steemd Anda, pesan di kotak seperti ini

benefactor - to XXX
reward 189.043108 VESTS

Apa artinya ini?
Mereka merobek Rewards Anda.

Juga, Mereka menggunakan Kunci Anda dan Upvote Postingan Mereka.
Tolong periksa sendiri.

Disclaimer : This post is for Awareness , does not mean to Undervalues Any Apps.


it's a rat !!
Thanks for LQQKing out for tha little guy @bullionstackers! That's why you have grown to be among my ALL time fav's on tha Steemit!! I have been solicited by many for this ~delegation~ business, when I smell a rat I know

OMG! That is terrible! It is a good thing that you are informing everyone about this. Keep up the great detective work @bullionstackers!

Now I just understand, how the e-app has robbed our SBD all the time, and right now I will stop using e-apps to intent surf on Steemit platform.
Let's stop using e-apps
Thanks a lot @bullionstackers

Semua Apps sama2
Bidbots + Apps = Rugilah Besar .

One more Thanks, I will learn more in detail about the ideal way to make profits through the Steemit platform and one thing I want to say here, that I feel I have benefited a lot since joining @whalepower three months ago

yes, indeed. I was part of a group, an "exclusive" group when I first joined, they rewards they were taking were being used to promote their own posts. the posts they were rewarding were the same post over and over again with very slight changes. They were 2 sentences long and they were taking all the rewards they were getting from everyone and promoting hundreds of those 2 sentence long posts. It was amazing. I am glad I found out and left their app.

I just check your account , looks like you have been robbed too.
5 days ago.

Komunitas #whalepower sangat bermanfaat bagi kita,mari kita dukung untuk selalu sukses dalam semua hal,terima kasih @bullionstackers

Terima kasih @bullionstackers telah berbagi,saya selalu mendukung komunitas #whalepower

Sila baca dan memeriksa Apps sendiri
Kalau tak untung.

I am very happy to be under the community of #whalepower and am very grateful to @bullionstackers

You are not Reading and Simply commenting.

Terima kasih @bullionstackers yang telah memberi sedikit informasi,mungkin ini sangat berharga bagi kita semua

Hello my friend

The app only gives the value that looks great, but they take it back. I know the fact recently after @bullionstakers details it.

hati hati pake appnya mbak. .
potongannya pada gede

Udah di sadarin, kemarin-kemarin kekurangan informasi. Maklum plankton belum tau apa-apa. He he.

Benar sekali ketika kita menggunakan aplikasi pihak ketiga seperti esteem, steepshot, atau zappl maka hasil reward yang kita dapat akan dipotong sekitar 5% untuk aplikasi tersebut. 😢

Adakah anda memeriksa steemd sendiri?
Semua komment anda Rewards memberi kepada mereka.
Rugilah sendiri.

Semua Kotak kotak itu, anda rugilah.

kedepannya bisa lebih bijak menggunakan aplikasi pihak ke tigaTerimakasih informasinya Tuan @bullionstackers

Apakah anda Bijak?

siipank comment_options
author siipank
permlink re-bullionstackers-201867t13361387z
max_accepted_payout 1,000,000.000 SBD
percent_steem_dollars 18,744

Kerana ini saya tak boleh memberi kepada kamu.


Saya tidak mengerti maksud dari grafik diatas, bagaimana saya memperbaiki semua ini?

Apakah saya hapus aplikasi tersebut?

The operation has been successfully broadcasted.

Apakah sekarang aplikasi tersebut masih bisa saya pakai atau saya hapus saja dari smartphone..?

Hi @bullionstackers , I have revoke, but why they can still control my account, do i also have to delete the app.?

Terima kasih tuan @bullionstackers

Anda tak membaca.

You are right.
Recently I am starting to use steemhunt and steempress-io, but both of them take 15% beneficial reward.
The steemhunt post did not get any upvote from them...
Need to think again if it is worth it.

You are getting Rewards from us and they are siphoning them out for not contributing to anything.
I say Fail ! On Top of that they upvotes their Own Curators more than they giving out.
Seem like a new Trend now.

I agree.
If I am a complete newbie and all upvote values come from them, then I don’t mind they take 15%.
total post value But my post already has some value, from my own hard work including support from #whalepower, so I find it a little unfair they take 15% out of the

Don't forget , if you do using Bidbots more are taking away.

Oh yes. Thanks for the reminder

Steemhunt is not too bad, because they run their own website and there will be running cost to cover. But steempress-io is just a plugin, I don't think there is any running cost to cover.
Moreover, with 1million sp delegation, their 25% curation reward should be more than enough, don't need to take another 15% beneficial.

A Result for Steemhunt Rewards is out.
Rating Poorly.
Three Taxes there.@jrvacation

Sorry boss what result is that? Whats the URL?

Three Categories of Taxes

  • benefactor
  • benefactor
  • benefactor steemhunt

That's too much

Do you think so?
Steemhunt & Utopian are combining now.
Soon all will do too.
They reckon not enough. What a Rip Off !
Milking it where possible can.

I notice it's that votes steemhunt indeed, but it can be worthwhile if lucky enough to get their votes.

They will up vote anything nowadays.
They run out of ideas. The Tag is dying.

Also no guarantee of the vote normally...

woot, they join force to get the benefactor.
Yes they have a lot to cover, but high percentage is a bit silly also

Postingan @bullionstacker, sangat berguna bagi neng guna steemit, karena postingan @ bullionstacker sangat banyak yang bisa kita ambil terutama dari sisi postingan positifnya, dan komunitas whalepower kedepannya pasti akan berjaya di dunia steemit, ayok teman_teman semua yang berada di steemit ayok dukung komunitas whalepower sekian dari saya terimakasih semuanya pengguna steemit.

I want to there a special robot on pay.what is the name of the robot.thanks

Saya me resteem postingan anda @bullionstackers supaya para steemians tau dan mengerti apa yang harus mereka lakukan sekarang. Salam !

Saya sudah baca postingan ini berikut dengan komentar2nya. Saya menyimpulkan bahwa selama ini saya belum bijak dalam memberikan setiap postingan (hak intelektual) saya ke publik. Apakah saya juga jadi korban dari ketidakbijakan saya atau ketidak bijakan pihak ketiga @bullionstackers ?? Saya sudah cek di, tapi saya tidak mengerti cara membacanya. Mohon bimbingan

Banyak orang tidak mengetahui tentang pemotongan ini, bisa di bayangkan apabila pemotonganya 10% saja apabila kita dapat pending 10 maka yang tingal hanya 9 dan selanjutnya juga ada pemotongan lainya, beberapa aplksi juga menambil lebih dari itu😥

thanks so much fo pointing it out. I will never use it anymore. 😃

Terima kasih informasinya @bullionstackers...saya sangat beruntung ada di komunitas anda. Saya akan memeriksanya.

It's really good informations, thank you for sharing.Hello @bullionstackers.

Lemme Resteem it, so that many people will get informations

Hati hati, pencuri muslihat di sekeliling kita..

This post has received a 32.89 % upvote from @boomerang.

Thanks for the information, can you check my account, am I also robbed?

Kalian semua lihat kerjaan esteemapp , mereka seperti pencuri , mereka upvote postingan mereka tanpa kita sadari, saya jadi korban..
imageTerima kasih @bullionstackers saya baru menyadarinya..

Dari gambar di atas jelas , saya tidak pernah upvote semua akun seperti di gambar itu, saya tidak melakukannya , jadi siapa juga yang melakukannya, jelas mereka esteemapp dan good-karma , mereka pencuri hebat.. saya kena tipuan mereka.. hati hati bagi kalian semua ..

Is raising funds for @dolphinpower account by sending 1 steem to account still available?