How to play this Game?
Step 1
Send ( 0.05 to 0.25 steem ) maximum to @tenaga-satu
Step 2
Guess a number from 1 to 1000 ( Number not to be repeated by anyone otherwise VOID )
- guess as many as you like , one guess per transfer transaction - no memo please !
ie : 0.25 steem max transfer
then transfer again for second guess.
Step 3
Comment below this post with your guessing number
Step 4
Wait until 7 days is over , you should get pay.
To All Gamblers , Here this is much better ROI to you All. You Can't Lose !
note: This is a Sarcasm remarks
This is a Trial Post.
Game Post closing 24 February
Me Take 2
working too hard for everyone.
Thanks a MILLION
Hardly see you around.
Number 1 as last week
You're Welcome!
Keep on Good Posting, I will checking on ya.
How are you Mr Gold?
Great opportunity to give you some support.
Gr8 , you need to be active there.
Thanks a Billion!
This post has received a 10.73 % upvote from @boomerang.
nomber 456
Terima Kasih Pak Bullion
nomber 345
Terima Kasih Pak Bullion
Perfect Ten
High Ten
Number Ten
Sweet 10
Ten out of Ten
my next number is 999
Be sure to checkout new game
Thank you.
I got paid too. Thanks
Lucky number 785
Sweet 18
Hmm, some game there Bullion?
ok, Number 80
Yes , this is only second week.
Don't forget to check the coming new game soon.
Number Two Hundreds
Hello Everyone
I am @the-reef , Another #whalepower Curator Account
Hello @the-reef
Thanks A Million for Everything.
Love this Game also Thanks The Bossman.
Good Game.
I like it very much. Just got my payout from last week.
Number 500
Beautiful Game.
Same here, I got it too.
1000 to be pick.
All Winners on timeblock
Winners Only
Fifty as 50
Gandaan Enam kali.
Datanglah kepos Minggu ni.
Tanam lagi untuk kebesaran. Yay
Semua untung
Oc. Terimakasih atas kebersamaan dan kerjasamanya. Bimbingan dan arahan sangat saya harapkan.
Posted using Partiko Android
This post has received a 30.36 % upvote from @boomerang.
I think 71
Game Void missed Step 1