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RE: A Day with @bullionstackers & Whalepower Team Management - 29 April Month [ Eng / Bahasa ]

in #whalepower7 years ago (edited)

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Would you please let me know if there is anything I can do to improve my posts?
Also, is there an easy post where I can learn how to do clickable links?You know I am a big fan of your @bullionstackers!

Just found out about your No Curation Day - have a good break!
Looking forward to your continued support (this also reminded me to send my May subscription - thanks!)
Thank you for all you do!! :)

A no curation , is a day we like to hear your Feed Back.@ackhoo

I like your manual curation style... I think nowadays too many are going the way of bidbots - the more you can afford, the bigger you pay, the more attention you get? I still say content is king! Quality content above all... So it's a good thing that you and the team are doing - Keep it up!

Im in :')

You need to participating other section before this section for the Rewards.
Other knows howto play their role.@anonymousdotcom

Yes, then maybe I will participate.
Thanks for the invitation :)

You are awesome @bullionstackers, nice to meet you.