nope..doing nothing is far..far..far from the worst.
I'm an old ammo troop (munitions..bombs and stuff)
we had a saying..
"if you don't understand it.DON"T FUCK WITH IT"
it's obvious you don't understand the SteemEcoSystem
(doesn't anyone? It's evolved rather quickly to be extremely complex)
unexpected consequences is a thing.
Ok you suggest not doing anything and allow it to correct itself -this is ok however many will argue that change happens when we all sit together and find a pragmatic solution least try. Another topic: do you think that Sola or any other upcoming platform will be good enough like steemit?
you should like Sola
it's doing exactly what you want to do with Steemit.
they're enacting new rules daily.
Good point , I have an inactive account there . You never know, Sola might grow big and wait for @dan ´s EOS alternative to steemit ..interesting days ahead.