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RE: Power Up in Steemit?

in #whalepower6 years ago

Your project seems very interesting !!

The problem is so many people are here to extract value and I honestly wanted the price to stay like this for few more months because people who don't add value will leave and never come back until we build few killer dapps that rewards people based on their contribution than just using certain hashtags and trying to gamify the Steem blockchain for their short-term financial gain!

Let's together build a system and dapps that makes people power-up Steem :)


Hello there

We are Manual Curators.
As for Power Up , We are not in Control; we certainly can teach them to do so.
Thanks for dropping in.Ah! , @nathanmars from Dtube #whalepower Tag have been over 12 moons. We are going stronger.


I like the word “stronger” and “manual curation”

Certainly agree that we can teach others and at the same time I believe in self education because we can’t teach everything.

Nice to meet you and talk to you soon:)

Thank you for your support.
I have been going on for a long time with #whalepower and I enjoyed it