You are Encourage to Totally Support this Account for it Benefits

#whalepower A Project for Better Community
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You are Encourage to Totally Support this Account for it Benefits
All #whalepower Contents / Images are Copy-Rights
If you want to use any part of this, please ask for permission first.
Welcome The-Reef to the Whalepower Pods
No! , I am not in your Pod.
You are in My Reef
Ok, I will Feeding you now.
let me swim in your reef, and have fun. : )
Thanks for your support
Sorry Bullion , I miss this one.
Now Supporting.I just notice this @the-reef account .
I just noticed it too! Have followed and can't wait for it to launch cause I will surely support. Go #whalepower!
Welcome @the-reef
You guy are wonderful.Thank You @solidgold
You are welcome , don't forget me when you grow up
don't forget each other. because we are all family. : )
Don't forget me too! You guys are great!
Welcome The-Reef ,
@the-reef is fully supported by #whalepower
The Reef is a very good project.
Thanks for such account @the-reef
Thank you man , is a wonderful feeling having so many followers
Thank youMy contribution to @the-reef
Thank you so Much!
Sending one now
thank you @the-reef
Thanks you!
You are generous
Just got some SBD, sharing it with you to help grow the reef!!!
The reef is very gorgeous when strong and healthy!
Oh, My Creator. Thank you
Another project there bullion?
I read about it, Can I be in it too?
I am The Reef. Thanks for the Loan.
It will be repaid back
The little fishes are coming close to check it out! If bullion is stacking it... it is bound to shine!
Welcome to The Reef
Where All Organism will Benefits from me
Can I benefit from here too?
I am very new here.
Welcome to The Reef of #whalepower
Thank you for the Warm Welcome , this is wonderful community.
Yes they do. Thank you so much!
The Reef is one of the most diverse and amazing ecosystems on the entire planet! XD
One for you! A deserving one.
Everyone deserve to get one in here?
Hope I deserve one too ;)
Miracle Happens..... and thank you for your generosity@krys
Miracle Happens..... and thank you for your generosity@public-eye
Thank you so much for your support! And to all the big fishes in the reef, thank you!
Hi @bullionstackers! I am very new but I like this initiative! Just like #whalepower I want to be part of and support! Thanks!
Welcome to the #whalepower community @The-Reef
Thanks for the Welcome @helios
welcome to the community. I am waiting to be able to swim with you and the other member of the #whalepower comunity.
The Reef do not swim!
It provides shelter for many around.
yeah, it is. I will be happy to hangin aroung the reef and get feed, have fun with the other whalepowerian. : ) one for all, all for one.
Thanks for your Support there
Please feel free to drop in anytime
looking forward to stay in your lovely place. thanks so much for being with all of us.
another fish around here.
Feeding this little Fish.
Miracle Happens..... and thank you for your generosity@ekavieka
don't mention it, we are one family.
all for one, one for all.
A healthy family!!
All for one and one for all.
Amen to that!
Gave a 100% upvote because we know the good work you are doing!!@the-reef All #Healthy-Home's have at least one visit to the reef and the beach!
All the best to you, and the colorful minnows that visit you!
Peace, @em3
The Reef is a really wonderful place to visit!
A peaceful Sunday and colorful week for everyone!
Yes it is! It is like a Steemit Vacation in Steemit Paradise!
Will do @bullionstackers! Will support @the-reef all the way! Along with @whalepower!
Nice to meet you. You are welcome to my Reef
I hope to swim and grow with #whalepower and #the-reef as well!
Looks great - fantastic! Will surely support!
Thank you for your Support
I've been MIA for 3 months but I hope to be more active again. Great work with @the-reef and @whalepower. I hope to be able to contribute more to our community soon.
Likewise, good to see you active again
Hi, I am new here on steemit and i got introduced here by @jackpot. I am following #whalepower and #the-reef . I want to be part of the group ,please tell me how to contribute ^^
Stay Tune as this account is newHello @happyboo25 Welcome to #whalepower @the-reef
i look forward to your future post ^^
Oh yes He DID!!!!
The ocean just got a lot more colorful!!
Glad you had a nice vacation and good to see you busy and encouraging as always!! Hey @bullionstackers
I can't wait to see what is in store!
Did you see that I have learned from you?? I started @healthy-home for curating and supporting new accounts as well! It is for some few categories... But with the same goal of growing a healthy Steemit ocean!! So you know I will be swimming near the reefs!!
Congrats @whalepower and @bullionstackers on this account. I have subscribe to #the-reef before and will do so again. When does this start again? I will like to join. @jackpot
Oooh.... a new account for the Reefs. I saw when The Reefs was done in November... and was thinking of joining in then... Looking forward to it now... maybe I will participate!
Happy 2018!!
Great to see you here.
This Reef is currently growing.
I didn't know you knew bullionstackers
That is awesome! The reefs should be pretty good! Stick around my friend!! :-D
Miracle Happens..... and thank you for your generosity@em3
A Miracle indeed!
Thanks so much!
Keep on growing!
I am growing up.
Need more boost here!
DP where are you?
A little boost from @em3 to keep you growing healthy and strong!
There you go! Every little boost helps! :-)
Everyone like to growThank you @public-eye
The Reef is currently growing, trying to recognize all inhabitants.
@whalepower and @bullionstackers thank you for creating the-reef. Would love to join. Thank you once again
Of course you have my total support. And I am happy to be swimming in your pod! : )
I am The-Reef not the Pod!
I stand corrected...sorry about that! Welcome @the-reef! And you still have my total support. : )
There are some starfish on his back!
Just get use to the Reef.
It was the nature that creates this Reef. It like to kidding around.
welcome @the-reef, and happy to join and follow the community of #whalepower.
Thanks for your supportThank you @firman
That great to see @the-reef
Nice to see you too @roky
Can I be a Reefer?Hello, @the-reef!
you must be a Reefer fish?
Thank You!!!
Ok. Following and support it of course for better world in steemit. Welcome @the-reef😊
Thank you very much
You're welcome, I'm really exited to swim with you, soon.
Thank you, here another something for you
You're Awesome @bullionstackers, brilliant ide to making people grow up in here.
stay here, and be active and help each other. that is the power of whalepower. and now come the reef, palce to hanging around and be a shelter for us.
I'll my brother. After a long time use #whalepower and do nothing for this community I'm so regretted for it, but for now and in the future I'll always give my support.
Very good words here!
So much noise across @the-reef and #whalepower! But what is this and how it works? Can someone give me any info?
This is a one off promotional introduction won't be repeat again or do what other do. Maybe both???
Read what other say??? HintCast some coins into @the-reef and see what happen?
Oh, if this is a new account to maintain the health and growth of this ocean, then of course you are welcome @the-reef. I will be near, following you. Say if I can help with something
Wow .. Welcome @the-reef. I know you will help more red fish and minnows too. 😊😊😊
That if I am growing fast enough
I know you will grow fast. 😊😊😊
Are you helping?
Yes im willing to help and support. #whalepower
I am watching!
The Reef sometimes very silly 😜.
I am not.
You just miss out from my generousity
Welcome @the-reef
Thanks for the Welcome @kirato
Welcome @the-reef great concept :)
Stay Tune as this account is newWelcome to #whalepower @the-reef
It seems I missed a few updates :) Will try to stay informed!
Nice to meet you. I followed you. I'm rooting for @whalepower.
This is a good news.
So, only reef-related images are allowed to use the-reef tag?
#whalepower Tag
Welcome @the-reef .. all the best!!! Let's all protect and save the reef!!
Read what other say , Hint!
During this promotional time. Maybe cast some coins into @the-reef
@solidgold's advice is SOLID GOLD! :-)
How can i support @the-reef
He is trying to guide you.Read the message from @solidgold..
I want to be part of the @Reef
wrong name!
it is @the-reef
i want to support the community, can i please join the discord channel too?
Whalepower Discord is run by @bullionstackers and Team Management The-Reef is an account @the-reef
let's me jump to @the-reef
upvote my post guys
I really like your post, your post is very perfect. Please choose me yes