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RE: Steemit: The Whale Gossip Column Of Privileged Authors Competing for Whale Nipple

in #whales9 years ago

Yes, we did have such a conversation. :)

I too debate with an open mind, but there has to be new information or a new perspective presented for me to even think about changing my stance. In our conversation I felt no new information was presented and that we were talking about the same things using different words, so I agreed to disagree. I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation though, a healthy debate between two or a group of people allows for wondrous amounts of growth - even if its not on the topic discussed.

I appreciate your support very much.


I agree there does need to be different information. It was my hope that for others that there was some new perspectives. :) Anyway, hang in there... you've got a good mind and were civil. Those are two great things. You will have other good dialogs, and some of them may even be with me. :)