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RE: Steemit: The Whale Gossip Column Of Privileged Authors Competing for Whale Nipple

in #whales8 years ago (edited)

You have good content and a good attitude Barry. Plus you came with a following. I think your balance has worked out nicely. I've said it before, but I'll say it again, Kudos to you. I'm really happy to see you doing well here.

Prohibiting writing about Steemit and Whales seems a bit too censored to me. IMO, let the market decide. There's a lot of maturing that still needs to take place here. We're still in beta. :) Let's not let it get into micromanagement. At the same time, we can try to influence each other not to make such posts so lucrative.

I get what you're saying about good posts getting little. I've spent a couple of valuable articles getting followers, basically. No bragging here. I've been writing for years and have some idea of what is good content. In this case, it's good, because I want to provide good content. But it was a bummer to not get rewarded for some good material. Maybe Barry should have a post of the week article, where he highlights a sleeper that should have made more and sends folks to upvote it in the last 24 hours of the second payout? Plus, donate the SD you get off the post highlighting it to the author of the post highlighted. Yoiu're in a position to help make a difference this way.

haha about Steemit articles. I wrote one. But it was basically me sharing what I found because I couldn't find where anyone else had explained it to my satisfaction. I didn't expect it to do well, so wasn't disappointed. But several folks said they bookmarked it because it's so helpful. Mission accomplished. But, yeah, I gloss over almost all Steemit articles, except this one!

In addition to my idea above, it is possible to just give SD or ST to anyone else on the platform. You just do it through the transfer option in your wallet and put in their username. You can include a note as to why you did so too.

Another idea that might be helpful is for the weight of authors voting on their own articles to decrease as their influence increases, so that their SD contribution to their own articles hits zero when they can vote themselves $50. I mean, if you could vote yourself $500, would you? It's ripe for abuse and pocketing nicely on crap articles. I've only seen a couple of really crap articles bank nicely here, but I'm sure it's been abused to some degree. A system that makes the payout granted to yourself diminish by 1% per (whatever influence is measured by) in increments so that you can only grant yourself a max of $50 on an article might help to balance the scales significantly.

Keep up the good work Barry. It's nice to see your ability to swing both ways.


@Another Joe. You raise some very good points. Especially the idea of not prohibiting posts about Steem and whales. I retract that idea. You are right. If you scroll through this string, you will notice I am giving 25 percent of the money this post makes to an author who commented she was not being recognized for good content. I checked out her blog and she is writing fabulous material. I'm doing what I can. Peace and love.

I did see that. Nice job, and she gained at least a handful of followers because of being on this thread, including me.
Maybe ponder the idea about promoting minnow. It's a win/win. I'd be happy to help if you need it. I just don't have the following to bring that much clout to the table, or I'd do it myself. Working on it though. Maybe a NotAnotherAverageArticle theme would work. Hrmmm... Maybe I ought to give it a shot. :)
There's also this post where someone else is trying to do something similar -

A tip button on the posts might be nice :)