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RE: Steemit: The Whale Gossip Column Of Privileged Authors Competing for Whale Nipple

in #whales9 years ago

I am one of those authors, I don't do AWFUL, but not viral for sure, I cannot seem to get over that hump and I dont want to be begging whales for votes every time I post. My stuff is good!


@catherinebleish I just scanned and read almost all your posts. You are not kidding. Your blogs are awesome. I'm sorry you only earn a few pennies per blog. As a show of my post's sincerity, I am going to give you 25% SD of whatever this post makes. You deserve more but I have a large crew to pay. Peace and love and keep blogging.

That's awesome! Upvoted if only to give @catherinebleish some more love! Very kind of you to do @barrycooper :)

You got me as a follow based on this. Very cool! :)

Oh my, that is the nicest thing. I am so grateful, thank you. Sincerely.

I think this is how people get noticed, by merely engaging. I just checked out your blog, it is good. You may have only gotten a few pennies before but now on your posts I'll hit you up with an extra 10 cents :-). It's not much but it's all I can do.

Upvoted and following too.

No way ever I would beg for anything . I understand how you feel. I just followed you.

When I saw you were on here, I followed you right away, because you've had "a reputation for principled activism" since at least 2003. I think that one reason why sites like this "game the system" is that the originators can't stand the idea that they will lose control of their own baby. They have no confidence in emergence yielding a benevolent result, because they view "democracy" the way Mencken did. (If I'm wrong, I apologize: it's just my first impression.)

This means that massive emergence is less likely to work, or can't work, for people like you and I.

Designing the rules for benevolent sortition requires significant thought, of the type most people are not familiar with. For example, if "ten guilty people are to walk free, rather than one innocent person be punished" (as per Blackstone's sage advice), then any single member of the jury can "hang the jury." ...Far better than allowing a "simple majoritarian vote" from the jury.

I'm not suggesting a "stacked sortition" for upranking, but perhaps a sortition that divides all steempower equally amongst all upvoted content for each day. (More socialistically egalitarian, but not exactly fair to the whales. Then again, perhaps it benefits the whales, because the appearance of egalitarianism draws in a huge migration or #Milogration from Twitter.)

Also: it might be interesting to add a link page here that, when clicked on, allows referred users from Twitter and Facebook to "start with additional steempower." It could say "Congratulations! You were referred to Steem by an existing Steem user! If you click the Join Steemit button on this page, you will start out with $30 of steempower, as opposed to the $5 you would start out with if you click the sign-up button on the homepage!" (This would then reward those who actively recruited from FB and Twitter, increasing the total steem in the system, as a proof-of-stake, as I understand it.)

In any case, I minnow, will try to upvote you, whenever I see your posts and/or remember.

Another benefit of upvoting your posts will be to make you into a dolphin as fast as possible, so that there is "one more dolphin who isn't a Fed" on Steemit.