LOL I was guffawing through most of your post, but it is very much needed for all newcomers to Steemit. Sometimes something so basic as common courtesy is the very first thing you expect of anyone starting a new job. And sure enough, not only are you joining a brand new community here on Steemit, but you're also starting a new job (albeit a job you actually care about waking up in the morning for!)
I agree with you completely and also believe that the most important way to a whale's heart is by first actually reading their articles and engaging them in the comments; if they find time in their busy schedule to actually acknowledge you, then you can continue talking to them on the comments and later engage them on Steemit chat and Discord. It is most certainly a game of courtship, one toe at a time....
I must say I am enjoying this hard fork so far! The first thought that crossed my mind when I saw my wall after 11 am was 'Let's hope this is the actual HF 19 and not some glitch' lol
It's just starting gotta see what it does to Trending.
I immediately flipped over to the Trending section and my jaw dropped! It'll be great to see more of the minnows represented in the Trending section, which should be enough motivation for all minnows and newcomers to work hard to always produce high-quality content on a consistent basis. Patience and dedication are always the keys to paradise!