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RE: Steemit: The Whale Gossip Column Of Privileged Authors Competing for Whale Nipple

in #whales9 years ago

Walk the walk as well as talking the talk my friend.
In the comments, 2 practical steps have been identified. I'm gonna repeat those and add 2 more:@barrycooper Be the change you wish to see in the world. Not trying to be a smartass, but

  1. LINK: Post links to the content and authors you think deserve more recognition in your own posts. Spread the Love!
  2. REWARD: Share the bounty. You can voluntarily transfer any amount you like to deserving posts/authors from your Wallet.
  3. COMMENT: Comment on their posts and Upvote them. Your "tribe" of followers is more likely to do the same. Plus your comment and upvote will give them some Steem Power/Dollars.
  4. FOLLOW: If their content is deserving of recognition, attention, and some eSTEEM, then shouldn't they also be deserving of a "follow"? Again, some big name authors start following the little guys, it encourages others to do the same.
    PEACE and LOVE man, enjoying your posts and thanks for this one. Brought up some great concerns for the future growth and sustainability of this great experiment.

@davidbrogan You should work on how you give people advice. Your comment is rude, judgmental and hurtful. It's apparent you did not read this comment string or you would never have admonished me. You are insinuating I don't back my philosophies, opinions and passions with action. The first commenter on this thread justifiably explained she was writing quality articles and not making any money. I checked her blog and her articles were excellent but only made pennies. I made this comment to her before you arrived to judge me: "@catherinebleish I just scanned and read almost all your posts. You are not kidding. Your blogs are awesome. I'm sorry you only earn a few pennies per blog. As a show of my post's sincerity, I am going to give you 25% SD of whatever this post makes. You deserve more but I have a large crew to pay. Peace and love and keep blogging." Furthermore, a quick Google search will reveal I have happily and passionately given my time, money and sometimes blood to be the best humanitarian I can be. Because of my choice to give my all, I was raided twice, arrested 4 times and my former wife was arrested 3 times. The cops took my Autistic son for 1.5 years. Because of the police retaliation, I had to flee the country and stayed broke and in the jungles of Venezuela and Brazil for four years. When I safely arrived in Mexico, my wife whom I dearly loved left with my son and returned to the U.S. This happened one year ago. She was so traumatized by my activism, she became ill and could no longer handle the stress. We are divorced. I lost everything. I slept on the floor in a house in Mexico for one month before I could rebuild. While I was broke and on the run, I never stopped freeing prisoners. In fact, I freed a man from federal prison who had served 15 years for marijuana seeds and had 15 years left to go. That story is on my website. I worked that case for free. I currently keep a stack of drug cases on my desk that I work for free and I'm glad to do it. Do you need anything?

Your comment is rude, judgmental and hurtful. I am sorry for any hurt caused. It was never intended to be any of those three. It certainly was never an attack on your good character.
My comment was purely to do with the future of Steemit, and practical solutions to current problems and concerns that you raised yourself. I was not insinuating you do not help, but how you and others like you with a public voice could help even more.
However, I will take your advise on board. I would never have signed my comment PEACE and LOVE if I had not meant it. FYI, I have been jailed, been on the run, divorced twice, lost everything, lived on the streets, and I could go on and on. You are not alone. I am not your enemy.
PEACE and LOVE bro.
P.S> I wasn't the first in the comments section to make the first two points. Others obviously felt the same.@barrycooper

There's no denying you're a man of action, Barry! I'm impressed! If I was on the run I'd be lucky to survive, never-mind helping someone else get out of prison!

I also saw the video where you got bit by a snake hunting fungi (cubensis I assume). As you can see from my bad highschool artwork, I used to enjoy eating psychoactive fungi myself. Ever try Amanita muscaria? I found a giant field of them in Alaska, but was going through a study/learning phase and decided not to eat them. (Plus, the drug is not the same as psilocybin, it's ibotenic acid and muscimol, and carries a stimulating effect like meth-amphetamine.)

Also curious if you've used San pedro (Trichocereus pachanoi). That's probably the cheapest way to use mescaline, and nobody knows about it. The DEA and ONDCP actually have pressured botanists to rename Trichocereus pachanoi to discourage its use as a psychedelic. (The first casualty of war is always the truth.)

BTW: That green snake looked like a vine snake! In Asia if something that looks like that bites you, you die. Luckily, it's a different species in central America. From WIKIpedia: "The venom of Oxybelis fulgidus is fast acting on small animals, but has little or no effect on humans. Envenomation of human beings is rare as the rear fangs require the snake to grab and chew to get its venom in, something most people will not stand for. In the rare instance of human envenomation, slight tingling to temporary numbness at the site of the bite is reported. As with all venomous creatures, serious allergic reactions are possible so caution should still be taken when handling these snakes."

Did it get you with the rear fangs?

Anyway, major props for actually posting content I want to read!