Listening to Whales?

in #whales2 years ago

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I follow several Splinterland content creators and I always enjoy their take on the direction of the game, strong cards for specific metas, and general discussion within the community. I have my favorites, as I'm sure you do too. However, one thing I have noticed is that many, not all, but many of the creators are holders of massive amounts of cards, sps, dec, you name it. In my book, WHALES! Now I'm sure everyone has their own definition of what a whale is in this game but when you have several sets fully maxed out, you are at least a card whale. When I listen to the content creators I make sure that I am listening both as a slightly higher than average semi obsessed player and player in the position of the whales. What does this mean? I listen to what they are talking about and how it effects my game at the level I am playing and the cards and assets I own. What I find is that often time they are speaking to a level of investor way over my head. It is hard to understand the whales pint of view without thinking as a little fish. To be fai, I also listen and think how their comments or topics effect the game in general and the level and investment that they themselves carry. What do you think I find? Some creators are definately more relatable. If I hear another creator talk about how they are going to prepare for lands with their keeps and castles and tracts of land I going to scream. I have one plot as of now. I have yet to hear a plan to maximize one plot or how I can compound my land earing by investing in a second. All I'm saying is sometimes its hard to understand whales and sometimes I wonder if they care about the little fish at all. @ginsupig