I missed it, apparently. Watching it now, though, I can see what you meant by being unsure if you would win. Still, you had a commanding lead for most of it, so having the cushion was good, and him managing to get some shots in at the end—I'll just say that luck can often be better than good form. :)
I think driving to the left actually helped you in this case. And layups—it's amazing how easy those are to miss. There seemed to be something really odd going on with the ball or the backboard/rim because that ball just didn't seem to react like a normal basketball would.
Congratulations. I take it you both too tired to go best two out of three? :)
For the most part jump shots were out of the question because that rim was a double rim so there was no give in it at all. You pretty much had to net it.
And yeah I was having a harder than normal time doing my moves and the backboard was hard to get used to. Overall we were both dealing with the same issues so it is fair.
I was on a time crunch. Playing the 3rd game probably would have made sense but we had to get to the swimming hole and I had to take off.