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RE: Steemit: The Whale Gossip Column Of Privileged Authors Competing for Whale Nipple

in #whales9 years ago

But I sculpt, draw too but mostly build 3d things, either in clay or digital point clouds and polygons.
I have a tutorial on how to make a human head in my modeling software.
But am less willing to post it (as it represents a shit load of HARD work) if I only have 24 hrs to gain likes.
Still, just saying that sounds like I'm here only for the money, but that isn't so.
For quite a while now, I have had an intense hatred toward the intell gathering platform known as Facebook (gag). "Tell us what's on your mind!" so we can send it off to Langley to hopefully garner a prosecution someday. Gee. Thanks FB.
Nope, not on FB anymore. Period. And yes, Steemit is filling that space very well for me, even if I'm NOT banking $1000s.
If you keep yourself powered up, eventually your vote will count for vastly more, and by then, you'll be able to show the Steem Oligarchs how to fairly distribute the rewards.
Ever notice how whales upvote their own posts?
Why the hell? When they already have 100s of 1000s or millions of $$.
Feels a lot like the wall st crowd is in charge....
BTW, take a look at Ohio's pension funds. A few years back 30million in the hole, hedge funds to the rescue with prospectus statements claiming they'll remedy the situation.... now Ohio is 150 million in the hole.
Their funds... siphoned off to NYC.
Leaches.So with you on that Barry. @barrycooper I WISH I was the brilliant writer that @stallabelle is or @fairytalelife...