Excellent post. I hope it isn't too late. We thought this platform would be a good way to support ourselves and others at the same time. Great tech behind it....yet it has proven to be what all the others are. A regular, good old fashioned Socialist Network.
We have spend countless hours and our own money to get Haejin the amount of followers he now has. I run a website promoting him. Why? Simply because I believe in what he is doing. I volunteered. We are on the verge of losing this addition to steemit, and I have zero doubts that all 6k+ followers will join the other 20k across other platforms and follow him wherever he lands.
The truly unfortunate outcome that is a very real possibility would be he leaves, I leave, the followers leave, and new steemians keep getting sucked into the scambots and other BS this mafia runs around with.
It's too bad. Leaving steemit for the same reasons I left all the others. People say and do things they wouldn't dare say or do in real life. There is plenty of evidence proving them wrong, but that is not enough. They just don't want to see someone more successful than themselves. It will be the downfall of this site. Not us leaving, but allowing that group to run rampant and earn more money doing it than the person they are trying to hang.