Here’s a typical story, you wake up and you have great idea lodged in your frontal cortex, you are so excited that you can’t wait to open your laptop, post it on steemit and share it with us. You spend hours writing, then editing, polishing and then proof-reading it again. Now it’s perfect. You start looking for the best pictures out there and finally you are ready to present us with a truly beautiful post.
You scroll down, you find the blue button, you click post, but nothing happens.
Before you know it, your post is already swallowed by the large wave of competing minnows, dolphins, sharks and whales.
To be honest, I don’t know in which category I would fit, but if I had to guess I’d say maybe somewhere between a sardine and swordfish. Tough if you want,
You Can Call Me Nemo
The whales as you may know, hold most of the voting power and as a consequence they’re always first to be blamed anytime a post doesn’t get the attention it may or may not have deserved. Kind of like a sports referee on a soccer game, no matter the decision that he’ll make, part of the public will always remember his mom.
Wait, did that son of a bitch…Enter controversial decision.
That being said, if I said the whales don’t affect your position I would be lying. What I don’t see however is why the whales are considered gatekeepers as some people seem to believe.
So let’s take a step back, leave our emotions aside, and see what logic tells us.
Why We Do What We DO
There are three possibilities here, that the whales either want the best for steemit, that they want the best for themselves, or that both these things are one and the same, which is a little closer to the truth.
At this stage, it’s fair to say that nobody actually believes that the whales want to act against their self interest and harm steemit. So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that their decision-making is obviously in a direct correlation to the benefit and prosperity of steem.
The same as me and you, the only difference here is the size. And I don't wanna be sued by Cosmo here, but you know what? Sometimes, size does matter.
Here’s what @dan had to say on the subject:
The whales are actively seeking out people to promote up the ranks. We have no incentive to be a majority holder of a small puddle. We would much rather be a minority holder of a giant ocean. All that matters is that we grow from a puddle, to a pond, to a lake, to an ocean.
Whales are small in the grand scheme of an ocean of fish.
You see, what he says not only makes sense but was obvious from day one. Unless of course you believe that visionaries spend their time dreaming up about of Lord of the Flies scenarios.
All that matters is that we grow from a puddle, to a pond, to a lake, to an ocean. Which is what we all want, as I mentioned earlier.
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, we still haven’t solved the why my post doesn’t make it to the top question.
You might be thinking that your post deserved better than many others that made it to the top page. You would probably be right. That being said, I question the wisdom of spending precious energy trying to justify the success of other people.
Let me give you some of the most recurrent examples that I’ve recently read:
She’s on the main page just because she’s beautiful. That celebrity got the votes only because he’s famous, or that dude keeps hoarding upvotes because he created that stupid app, this one stole the upvotes for producing those dumb tutorials…etc.
First of all, in case you didn't realize it, those guys must've produced some sort of value. And more importantly, I’m not sure that’s an area I would wanna to go to in the first place.
Because let’s face it, how is that different from something like, say: What does she see in that guy?
Plus, how would I know which parameters they consider to cast their upvotes. I’m not a whale, I’m an alien remember?
Alien, I meant swordfish.
All that we know is that they want the best for steemit. Maybe they like posts that have the potential to bring more audience to steemit, maybe they favor the potential impact of a certain post, or maybe God is fucking with us.
I don’t know.
I don’t know, and I don’t really care that much. Because if I’m being totally honest here, I don’t see how I can really improve my style and hone my craft if I’m busy figuring out who screwed who on the votation. I know this sounds a little like tough love, but it’s love nonetheless.
Now there are two versions of the story, and there is no saying how it turns out.. So I will give you both, and you decide which wolf you feed.
“Let’s admit it, we all got two wolves in us, a good one and a bad one, you know what I’m talking about — and they BOTH wanna eat… We just gotta feed that good wolf a little more than the other one.” — Matthew McConaughey
Dancing with the Wolves
I can tell you that that nerdy guy who created that app to help us navigate steemit got the votes just because he’s on the inner-circle, and not because he put the time and effort to bring some value to the community.
I can tell you that that marketer that is trying to promote steemit at the best of his or her ability are just some suck-ups that sold off to the whales. I can tell you that "privileged" travelling girl was getting all those votes because she’s pretty, oh and because she a pair of boobs.
I can tell you all of that while pretending that I am completely oblivious to the fact that some of the latest travel posts here have totally kicked ass.
That being said, I also get where you’re coming from, life is not fair, never was and never will be.
So maybe, we should treat steemit as all the other aspects of life, and maybe the best thing to do is to focus on the things that we can control. Does that sound fair?
But as I said, I can tell you all those things I said above and more…
Or I can tell you this:
The truth is, I don’t have all the answers, I don’t have everything figured out. Personally, I keep it simple and I follow the advice of billionaire businessman Rick Rule, one of the people I respect the most in the world. This is what he says:
“You get successful in life as a result of providing value to other people”. — Rick Rule
So that’s my ultimate goal, to provide the maximum value I can. This how I do it, and I am happy to share it with you:
The Alien's Recipe for a Successful Steemit Post
First and foremost, you have to treat your audience in the same way that you treat any other relationship. It’s a privilege not an obligation. Imagine that it’s a romance for example, you should never take her for granted, always consider her needs, and most important of all:
Pay Attention
Attention has got to be one of the most underrated qualities that we clueless bastards neglect the most on this planet. And with writing it’s no different. You have to pay attention to your partner, or in this case, your audience.
For those of you who remember, I started writing mainly about political comedies and Blockchain technology, and as more new-comers started finding their way to steemit, I toned down the political comedies because I wanted it to be more inclusive and I didn’t want our new members to feel left out, to feel like outsiders.
As I mentioned earlier, I wanted steemit to grow, maybe that little fact helped because my goals were somewhat aligned with what many of you want.
get better rewards by curating content.And of course you try to pass it forward, to help the other guy. For example, Richard @steemship and me, wrote a guide to help the new comers
Then when I started having the impression that there were many new steemians who were new to the Blockchain sphere, I decided to write essays about what is the Blockchain and why it has the potential to change the world.
Doing in so while taking in consideration the new comer’s perspective.
Even as soon as yesterday, when I felt like some of you were already thinking about giving up, what did I write about? I wrote a story about the reasons why I think that you shouldn’t give up on your steem-dream just yet, and I wrote it in my habitual unusual style. Would you go back to a world without steemit?
Point two, try to pick her brain a little, try to make her feel something special if you can, do something new, something different, try to surprise her, and together maybe you can embark on a unique experience..
That’s the state of mind I had when I wrote this post for example:
When Philosopy and comedy start making babies
Create what Seth Godin calls The Purple Cow, something truely remarkable, do that and the audience will remember you. After all, what would you be without them?
And last but not least, and my own personal favorite:
Make Her Smile.
These are some of my favorite ingredients, and as you can see it’s very simple. I mainly focus on the things that I can control, I prefer to bet on my strengths instead dwelling on my weaknesses.
And above all, the reader’s experience means everything to me.
You are the hero of your journey, you can write your own rules, but you also have two wolves, feed them wisely.
I hope that this small post comes as a little help to anyone who was intimidated by the whales. Remember, the they are people too.
This really came from the heart so,
The Alien.
Your political comedies were the best.
Thank you! I should write a new one maybe :) I'll have to check the news to see what's trending.
Nothing about elections though :)
Again, thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed them.
Ill continue this thread with an enjoyable post!
Great! :)
Yes I agree the "his mom" joke took a second, but was funny when I got it lol..
But thanks The-Alien this was great info, and when you explained it the way you did it really makes a lot of sense.. So hopefully people read this and realize that whales are not here to pick on people, but really are pretty much responsible for making sure they upvote the content thats best for the site :D
I know, the last thing in the realm of probability is that a group of very very smart people and the biggest shareholders, build or help maintain a revolutionary platform... Just to pick on people. :)
I'm happy that you liked it, and I'm glad to have delivered some info. So thanks @stealthtrader!
Yes lindee![](
I second you comment
@the-alien please upvotes n
Highly appreciated by @bullionstackers
Yes, i am missing the whales
Thanks @the-alien
You have been followed![](
Checkout my blog about SteemWhales Plankton @bullionstackers
For what it's worth, I upvoted you.. Nice slideshow btw!
This post deserve an upvote!
Thank you @krabgat! Happy you liked it!
I am a sardine but im proud of it :)
My Master plan
This is definitely a game changer and could change the economics of the entire world! Awesome post man. :D
Thank you! Awesome pic by the way!
I love it! :P
Good news
I feel like a shrimp but who cares? At least I am having fun
I think that it's great to have fun! That you enjoy the process.
By the way, we were all shrimp once. :)
Nice post man. I got a Tutorial for beeing a whale. Feel free check this out :D
Thank you! Of course I will, checking it out right now.
Smile :)
It worked! ;)
Very nice description for a newb about how the eco-system here works atm. Thanks for sharing! upvoted, not that my vote counts for much so far. lol
I'll admit it was tl;dr tho. Once I got far enough in to get the jist, I skimmed.
No don't think like that, it's the intention that counts, so I'm grateful! Thank you!
Yeah I completely agree with you. What we should consider is to give value to the community not the other way around. Because if you give value to the community, it will eventually reward you, may it be from a whale, shark or whatever sea creature terms that are here on Steemit. So as for me, the bottomline, Just share your thoughts and give value to people who will be interested with your topic because someday you'll reap what you sow
Exactly! If you pay attention to people's needs, and try to create value as much as you can... People always see the effort that you are putting out. You put it perfectly.
Wow! What a great posting, thank you for your work, dedication and presence of heart. Namaste :)
Thank you man! I'm happy you like it :)
This post should be up for vote for at least 24 h. Sadly it will not, now.
Reducing the Payout Time is a BAD IDEA!!!
Thanks for the compliment man! I'm just glad you guys liked it. :)
They are necessary, but I still fell like this occasionaly
I honestly believe a majority of the whales do want what is best for Steemit. Sure there are a few exceptions, but you can't let them taint the reputation of all the whales (likely just early adopters). I say that in them staying on top of proper tags as an example. Having the content sorted properly will make it easier to find things you might be interested in. Another example would be meaningful commenting... And despite it being taboo to say , this is a 'great post' as there is a lot of negative crap flying around. It would be like being mad you didn't know about bitcoin in 2010, these are just people that are either more in tune with tech or just have a good sense of what will be popular.
Whales are human too....Well, there may be a WhaleBOT, but it needs to act like a human to get value from the system.
I would also like to that that 1 or 2 "naughty whales" will just get downvoted away by a bigger pod. Those who got into steemit and have cared about the project since its early days will not sit idly by and let the few spoil it for the many. :)
Yeah I didn't think about that. But even so, we can't blame a bot for not appreciating certain posts.
That being said, touché! :)
I hear what you're saying. The meaniful commenting was considered at some point, and these things change, maybe it will come back into action later, who knows. Steemit is improving, that's for sure.
And I agree completely about the first part, the majority want what's best for steemit.
Btw, this is an example of a great comment :)
I shoulda upvoted and commented sooner. LOL
Congrats on striking oil on this one, my friend. This is a great post.
I'll probably be back to reply again when I'm done reading it. :DDamnit, @the-alien , I KNEW this thread was going to be popular when I saw it 5 hours ago.
Thanks! Yeah, you have to be quick with these things sometimes. But thank you, I hope you like it.
So far so good! I'm currently at work, so my reading of it is kinda spotty. I'll check back when I'm done so I can give you an in-depth review. ;-)
Of course, I would love one! :)
nice post
Thank you!
As mentioned in history - the world stands on three whale
Haha, I never heard that quote before :)
We were at the school said . it used in ancient times people believed in it!
The whale is a marine fish is very big . Breastfeeding her son , Animals mammals .
one day, a whale will get lost in the sea of my votes
Dan also likes this masterpiece!
Curation system of steem is what making it's amazing and I sure it will much improve in near future. It's not easy balance between established authors and new ones.
I know, I will never take it for granted that's for sure. I try everyday as best as I can!
I don't know if I'm an established author, I had some succesful posts and some not, but as all writer, if people like it I'm happy and encourage to bring something beautiful the next day. But you're right, the idea of curating is genius! I don't think the guys who created it are receiving the praise they deserve.
But I guess one day, when this grows! And hopefully we grow with it! :)
It's about the sea creature. Let's give importance to it. Whales are mammal, they like a human too.
Hahaha, mamals, good catch! Great pic :)
good post
Thank you!
Lets see what post can earn the most before the 30 minute mark.
892 at the 26 minute mark.
Holy cow this took off!
Nobody whom claims to be an alien actually is one. Your post is full of too much empathy and not enough compassion.
We are all whales; we are all minnows. No one is an alien.
I was joking of course, inside joke with some old friends, sorry.
I give thanks to you for sharing such a wonderful perspective. Good quality isn't always the same to what another believes is good quality. Subjectivity is the name of the game, if you're playing - and study is much in order.
Thank you! I'm glad you like it! I always try to present new perspectives, and I'm happy you like this one. :)
Goodbye earth so long and thanks for the fish
I'm sure you've felt this at some point @the-alien but I oftentimes have a few thoughts here and there... little trails of thought not yet fully formed...
This article has taken those wisps of thought, caught them in a net and done so in a really entertaining and engaging way. I'm impressed at how you've really dug deep and put your best foot forward. Very excited to see what you come up with next!
Thank you @wingz!! I really appreciate the nice words! Actually, that's exactly what I did, I dug deep and wanted to speak from the heart about an issue that many people were concerned about. When you care, you put in your best work.
Thanks again! Oh, and talking about digging deeper, great post you wrote today!
Thank you :)
Hey we all have to compete and strive to improve right? On with the adventure!
Yes it's a great adventure, I gotta tell you that! I made friends, improved my skills, some small aspects in my life... It's an awesome adventure :) Let's make the best of it everyday!
Good post, very mature vision about the whales
thank you for share
Thank you @bhokor!
whales are everywhere. Great post. As far as it goes for me I prefer shorter ones. Would love to have your skills :D
Thank you! I think that's great and that you're in luck, because more people like short posts these days. :)
While others sit on the beach waiting for the whales to show I will just throw my rod into the fishbowl of my niece and try to catch her goldfish! Great read and I learned a bit from it as well.
Goldfish, we need goldfishes here in steemit. :) By the way, thank you! I'm glad you liked it. I wish you best of luck with your drawings!
I love STEEMIT... oooh.. me too! is not impressive? yes yes yes yes yes!
He looks young! Jim Carry I mean
whales are people too... and so are aliens. Thanks for another great read!
Thank you! Happy that you liked it!
I agree nice post dude!
Haha, I'm glad you like it!
Your post inspired one by me going a little further than my comment above, thanks. Glad to see your post is doing so well.
Let me us know when you post it. :) Thanks again!
Good post, thanks @the-alien
Thank you!
Nise work!!!
Thank you!! :)
Orrrrr... You can just make a post defending the Whales so they all vote you :D
Clever clever ;)
Damn, you're good. I like your style, it's what my style would be if my style had a lot more experience! I made a post somewhat along this vein, but after yours. Yours is way better anyway!!
Haha maybe you already got the style, you'll see, once you're start being satisfied by your posts, you'll realize that maybe all you needed was just a little more confidence. Maybe, I could be wrong. But hey! We never stop learning anyways.
Thank you by the way!
Here's a gif of me dj'ing with my Alien mask @the-alien :D
Too bad it didn't load DJ Stealthtrader
Haha That's cool man! Love it!
Thanks bro here is the actual video of it.. And the bassline track is one I made ;D
It came from my instagram which was only 15 seconds at the time which is why it's only 15 seconds :/
Although the entire article was well written, I would upvote you just for this sentence.
Haha thanks! It's kinda true isn't it?
@the-alien I will be following your posts because I wanted to learn more about blockchain. Thanks also for the tips of getting posts notice by the community.
Thank you @juvyjabian ! I'll of course keep doing my best to help!
I have a question you might know the answer. In case a person wanted to buy $1000 power up, how much will be equivalent steem power?
indeed! what a point of view
What an awesome pic!
excelent post
Thank you!
Very entertaining read! There should be more of this lurking around Steemit. Keep it up, @the-alien!
Thank you @jedau ! I'll try to keep i up! :)
Upvoted! the jokes are on point lol.
Sorry to spam you but everyone here should also check out my blog while you're at it!
Haha thanks! I didn't know that about reddit, and nice nickname by the way @dailyfeed :)
incredibly great good that! have upvoted.
Thank you very much!!
nice text.
Absolutely spot on!