10 Types of the World's Largest Whale That Surely Makes You Shocked

in #whales7 years ago

Whales are the most intelligent and special fish species, because whales breathe in their lungs, quite a bit different from the common fish that use gills to breathe in the water.

Another privilege whale owned is to be the only type of marine mammals that can survive under the sea during his life. Because of that, whales easily adapt to the depths of the sea that counts countless.

In addition, whale is also one of the largest fish species in the world, where almost all types of whales are large. So, what kind of whale is the largest in the world? following his review

10# Pilot Whale


The world's first largest whale species is the Whale Pilot. This type of whale is subdivided into two types, whereby both types of Whale Pilot Whale are quite difficult to distinguish.

The one named "G weld" with long fins and the other one named "G macrorhynchus" with rather short finned. But the most striking difference between the two is in the skull of his head.

Can be said this type of whale can be found almost in all waters of the world, where to "G weld" can be found in the cold waters, while for "G. macrorhynchus "can be found in tropical and sub-tropical waters.

In addition, these two types of whales are known to both have exceptional intelligence and also have a tendency to live in deep water areas, so it is rare to see this type of whale.

9# Narwhal

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Narwhal is the world's largest species of whale that is quite unique, where the males have a kind of long ivory and straight around the jaw that serves to attract the attention of female whales Narwhal.

This type of whale is gray and decorated with white spots, while the young Narwhal whale is more brownish. This type of whale can be found in cold waters such as Greenland and Canadian Arctic.

In general, this type of whale including medium size that is about 18 feet long and weighs 3500 pounds.

8# Beluga Whale

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The world's next largest whale species is Beluga Whale, where its appearance is somewhat different from other whales. Appearance like a white dolphin with a very minimal rear fin.

Same with the Narwhal whale, the Beluga Whale Whale Type can also be found in cold waters such as Artic and Greenland. In addition, this type of whale can also be found on the sea and the coast of Russia.

For the size of his body can reach 18 feet and weighs about 3500 pounds, in addition, this type of whale also has a layer of fat as thick as 5 inches that serves as an adaptation in the cold waters.

7# Gray Whale

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Whale Gray Whale whale length can reach 50 feet with weight can reach 35 tons more. Characteristic of this type of whale that has a jambang in the mouth area that serves to detect the environment around it.

This type of whale is known to move often groups of other groups, other than that this whale also often perform the action of diving with high speed to get rid of the parasites that disturb or embedded in his body.

6# Orca Whale

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Orca Whale is the world's most famous whale species, where this type of whale is bred in many countries for large aquarium animals. In addition, this whale is also known as the killer whale.

Orca Whale can be found in almost all the waters of this earth, where they can survive more or less for 60 years and the length can reach 32 feet and has a remarkable intelligence with a big brain that has.

Orca Whale is a very social fish (group), where each group usually consists of 5 to 100 more, and generally Whale Orca Whale groups are led by the females.

5# Sperm Whale

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Adult Sperm Whale whales that can reach 67 feet long with a weight can reach 56 tons, in addition to the size of the brain is the largest of all species of animals in the world that is weighing 9 kg.

Named Sperm Whale or Sperm Whale because this type of Whale bsia produce Spermaceti oil from its head. While the habitat can be found almost in most oceans that exist in this world.

4# Bowhead Whale

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Furthermore, the world's largest whale species is Bowhead Whale, where its body length can reach 66 feet and weight can reach 74 tons. The Whale Bowhead Whales include slow-swimming fish.

Type Whale Bowhead Whale is often found in artctic waters, so this type of whale is often called Greenland Right Whale or Artctic Whale. In addition, they also have a layer of fat after 45 cm to withstand cold.

But unfortunately, this type of whale is rare, where its population continues to decline every year as a result of excessive and unwise sea exploration.

3# Right Whale

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Right Whale is a thin-bodied Whale, but a growing problem, this type of Whale is one of the largest whale species in the world, where it can reach up to 60 feet and weigh up to 100 tons.

His trademark is on the calluses on his head, in addition, the breathing hole (the blowholes) is also unique as forming the letter V. While there is a black color and some are dark gray.

In addition, Right Whale includes whales that have very high fat and have a very large oil of whales.

2# Finback Whale

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With a body length that can reach about 90 feet and weight can reach more than 70 tons, making the Whale Whale Whale type is ranked second in the list of species of the largest whale in the world.

Finback Whale also has other names such as fin whale, razorback or rorqual, where the body is slightly slender with a rather gray color, and now this type of whale including one type of fish is endangered.

1# Blue Whale

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Blue Whale is the largest whale in the world, can even be said as the largest animal in the world that is still alive until now with a body length can reach 100 feet and can reach 150 tons of weight.

Characteristic of this type of Whale is a small rear fin and slightly down to the area three-quarter back, and the color is also quite unique that the combination of grayish blue with spots on it.

Well, that's some of the biggest whale species in the world. Some are difficult to find and are extremely rare as a result of excessive sea explosion.