
I really like it. It would be much better if I am able to use it in German 😉
Now I was able to try your blockchain activity too.
One more issue I have to report. I was not able to get the introduce yourself post through my speed command.

There we go - technically now 'introduce yourself' will direct you to 'introduce-yourself', if you would prefer the 'introduceyourself' tag then you'd need to type that in manually. It won't go into effect until the next version is approved though.

In the future, I could replace "-" for "", search for such an entity & attempt to serve trending items from the two tags when an user searches for any 'introduce yourself' keyword combination..

Ah, I can fix that manually.

Dialogflow is expecting 'introduceyourself' and has "automated expansion" enabled on the allowed topic entity - this should have expanded the string into 'introduce yourself' but perhaps this needs to be performed automatically when generating the entity JSON.

Solving this in the python entity generation script will be a bit more complex..