Do you want a whale vote ? The Winner #5

in #whaleshares8 years ago

Dear friends I got very inspired from several of the new projects in Steem and with this challenge i help the minnows around , even probably i am one of them . Good things come in life or at last in your heart when you know how to give !

Its time to tell you about this week winners ! Was realy hard to chose , there was so many great entryes ! The 5 winners are :

 @princessmewmew , @annie.oakley , @hannahbanana , @steempowerpics , @philip.willemse






This people will resive  15% whaleshares upvote ! Please contact me on Discord !


I hope you like my idea for shering and you will support this project with comments and feedback ! Big THANK YOU  @officialfuzzy and @jphenderson for made this possible !!!!

 Stay up for the next part !



The winners from last 3 parts :






Dont forget to join us in Discord Whaleshares !



                Stay positive  and many smiles !!! 


Feel free to comment , criticize, follow or unfollow me !


Great initiative!

Thank you :)

Very cool idea! to the winners :)

Thank you :)

Great post buddy..

Thank you :)

chek me post...@patelincho very good your post

Thank you !

Posts like this are why I already love this community, it's so great that you're giving even though you consider yourself to still be a minnow. I really think initiatives like this are what's going to set this community apart in the long run!

If you shere you will resive !


Glad you like it !

How do you find those posts 🤔

Tomorow start the next part just make sure you read the rules :)

LMAN.GIFHow lovely @patelincho - how are you doing and how are your flowers progressing?

Hmm damm this days no time for gardening ....

ok, how do i get in the next roung queen @patelincho ?

Will post tommorow just make sure you read the rules :)

Congrats to all the winners of this week! Proud to have been part of the winning list too recently!

Every one are well desurve it :)

Hiya @patelincho

I am a bit perplexed as my post is a few weeks old and I am sure voting doesn't apply on old posts? Maybe I am completely wrong here and haven't irished up my coffee enough today ;)

You not go to have the vote on this post , you can have it on any future post :)

hiya @patelincho this is awesome thank you!!

Please, if you don't mind could you push those whale votes towards the following new post:

Thanks :)