First post/sick/picture/and more.. :)

in #what5 years ago (edited)

hello everyone who read this!
my name is Anatoly..
english is not my language so you will see some mistakes in my grammar..
for long time i wanted to start write and post but more share my pictures so one of my friends told me about this website and i try to register, i mest up everything and was not able to log in back :(
so after a while i register again :) and i am here finally hopefully wont loose all my long keys to log in to this place:)

About pictures i love take them and they are not always for everyone ... its just from my perspective..
so today is sunny day and i took one nice picture of church and i will share it with you.. one is taken with raw app and edited another just regular camera app.. i use iphone for pictures.. at this period of time.

I am little sick for couple days and staying home ..getting better and watching tv show ''the office'' )))
yea in 2020 i decided to do that... lol
coronavirus i should say Covid-19 bang all market and everything fail down.. witch is good afterword it will go up:)
no i nod have that virus i mean if i would have that would make me more stronger...:) ohh i am not that easy to kill me...
okey enough for today tipping :)

stay strong!

this is raw...
Фото 01.03.2020, 15 01 46.jpg

and this is straight from phone camera app.