I'm definitely going to try to be on every day and comment a bit more than I have been the past few months and I'd love to get involved in the IFC somehow. Not sure how long you have left of the season and what your plans are but I'd be up for sponsoring and guest judging another round. I'm sure between us we could come up with an interestimg idea. :)
When you first mentioned the idea of the IFC to me I never realised just how big a project you had in mind or what a great community would form around it. You've done an amazing job mate and I can't imagine how much work its been but I'm sure its been worth it. :)
Give me a shout any time my friend. Hope your day is going well. :)
Whoops! I'm sorry. You're already on our discord I remember now. Darn. I'm overwhelmed. I forgot. So.. Anyways. I made a store for you on there already. :) Feel free to drop by whenever!
Yeah I joined when I guest judged an earlier round and I'll pop on today at some point and say hello. Speak soon mate. :)
Cool! Looking forward to it! I have a feeling some good ideas will bloom. :D I think some already have!
Word! That's awesome. Would love to have you. And yeah! I think we could definitely. Have you used discord before? Could you come on our channel? I'll have a room set up for you and we can talk about this more fluently.
Also.. I never realized it would be this big either! Lol.. Imean in the back of my mind I hoped it would blow up and some day be huge.. And it may still be.. But.. I never knew it would actually work so well and so fast. It's been absolutely amazing. I could talk about it for hours.. The potential is unreal, I hope to help make the world a better place with these people who have become a part of the community.
Time will tell of course! I'm investing steem and time and who knows how much will come back, but I have a feeling it will come back when so many people enjoy it and wanna be a part of it.
We've got like 4 or 5 witnesses helping us.. I think we're off to an amazing start and in time more people will offer to help. :)
Thanks for the nice words! And yeah it's been an insane amount of work and well worth it, though hopefully in time I can pull back more and others will take over.. It seems like a really great idea a lot of people like, in fact it seems like someone even tried to steal the idea already.. I'll tell you more about that another time.